Chapter Twenty Six

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"Hello? Anyone there?"

I looked around at where I was.

A small room painted dark green. I was laying on a twin bed with light brown covers. To the left of the bed was a small desk with a lamp and a couple notebooks. Across the room was two sliding doors, I'm guessing the closet. To the left of that was another door, probably a bathroom. And in the corner next to the window was a bookshelf full of books, movies, and random things. And right in front of the bed was a small table with a tv and a DVD player.

I sat up and looked around again.

I don't recognise any of this. At all.

I got up and went to the window, pulling the curtain back. I looked out and saw nothing but trees. I squinted and could see some blue. Water. A pond? River?

I was unlocking the window and opening it when the door opened.

I whirled around and slammed my back on the window pane.

Someone laughed and stepped into the room.

A girl.

She was tall. Her blonde hair reached her tailbone, and her piercing blue eyes made me shiver. She had a long face, and all I can say is she's drop dead gorgeous. Like, model status. Skinny jeans, and a tight green shirt complimented her well, and gray boots made her more fashionable.

"So," she said looking at me closely, "you're Park."

I stared at her, not moving a muscle. I didn't like the way she said that. I don't know who she is, but I'm deathly afraid right now.

"Well, anyway," she took a couple steps closer to me, "I suppose you have no idea who I am. Do you?"

I stared at her, keeping my breathing steady. I shook my head slowly, and tried to get closer to the window.

"Oh. How wonderful. Well, I know who you are Parker James. Or do you go by Parker Sheeran now? Oh it doesn't matter. Your mommy was very busy in her twenties, wasn't she. First Nathan... then the twins Abby and Gabby... then you. Weak, worthless, little Parker.

"Did you know that your mom isn't what you think she is? Hm? Nate isn't what you thought he was either. Your family has always lied to you. Since you were born they lied. And your mom had no shame in doing it. All the secrets she kept from you. All the things she did...

"And it's kind of funny actually. If you think about it. Everything that you fight for now, is what your mother faught against years ago. You're on opposite sides Parker. You always will be.

"Oh and if you think that's bad wait till you see the rest of our pack. You underestemated the Northern Pack. We have a secret weapon you never thought we could get.

"If you think I'm done, I'm not. Take notes Parker. Your pack, One Direction have been keeping secrets from you too. Remember those vampires from so long ago? Well they're after you. They want to get you to kill Harry. They want revenge for something your beloved mate did years ago. And they just might pull it off. Oh, and while I'm at it, your friends ne-"

"Stop." I said close to tears, "Please just stop."

"Truth hurts doesn't it?" She sneered getting closer to me.

"Just please stop." I whispered.

"Well, I think it's about time I introduce myself. I'm Ray." She gave me a slight smile, then it vanished and turned into a death glare.

"Rob's mate."

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now