Chapter Sixty One : Final Chapter

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Here we go, the last chapter in Hunted.



Park opened her eyes and immediately saw one of the most beautiful people she has ever seen.

She has long blonde hair, a set of straight white teeth, an almost perfect complexion, and the thing that stood out the most to Park was the solid gold eyes she was staring into.

"Hello." Her voice warmed Park. It welcomed her, and for some odd reason made her feel safe. "My name is Saffron. Please, don't be alarmed. You're not hurt, and I will not hurt you."

"Really? How about that jerk who pulled me through the ground?"

Saffron lost her cool for a moment and gave Park a stern look. It vanished just as quickly, and she smiled at her. "That would've been Demetri. He is a demon, and has the ability to travel through shadows. Also the ability to take people with him."

"Good to know. So where am I? Where's my family? Where are my kids?"

Park looked around and saw brick walls, and an extremely high ceiling. She was laying on a small bed, and across from her was a couch and a table.

Saffron looked uncomfortable, shifted from foot to foot. "They are not here. Jonathon did not believe that they were needed."

"Aren't needed... Aren't needed!? Those are my kids! My newborn children!" Park shot up from her bed and growled at Saffron.

Saffron took a step back and put her hands up. "Park, I don't wish to hurt you, please don't force my hand."

Park let out a laugh, and went straight back to glaring at the angel. "Listen here," Park said with a growl following, "my children need me, and I sure as hell need them."

"Let's just relax and sit back down. We can calmly talk about this, and resolve it."

Park knew that the Angel in her wanted to agree, but the demon in her wanted blood. She narrowned her eyes at Saffron, and she soon understood what Park was trying to do.

"Parker, you don't want to do this, and you know it. Please, thin-"


Park brought her hand up and Saffron reached for her neck. She struggled for breath, and Park made her fist tighter.

Saffron cannot die, but she can still lose consciousness. She went limp and Park set her on the bed. She then started to panic.

"Oh my God, what did I just do?" She whispered starting to tear up. She looked at Saffron, who was laying on the bed unmoving. Park shook her head and tried to call herself down.

She calmed down enough and made her way to the door. She didn't know what came over her. Was it the part demon? If she didn't have faerie and angel, would she have killed her? Can she even die?

She opened the door slowly, and looked out with her eyes scanning everything. She saw a lot of windows, but a lot of them were covered, leaving shadows everywhere.

Park sighed deeply, and stepped out of the room.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the castle, Demetri awaited for Saffron's return. She had told him she wouldn't be long, just long enough to tell Parker that she was okay.

But he felt off. Something happend.

He stood from his bed and flashed into the shadows.

He flew through the shadows, hearing whispers. The darkness was talking about another demon in the castle, and he know it was talking about Parker, Nathan, and Anne.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now