Chapter Eight

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I tried to get back again, but I couldn't move without feeling terrible pain in my stomach.

I moved my hands behind me and felt a small flower. I curled in my hand and tears sprung into my eyes.

I'm going to die.

The werewolf growled and coiled back, getting ready to attack. I gripped the flower tighter.

One last growl and the wolf lunged.


I heard a very loud whine.

I looked at the werewolf and choked on air.

There was vines wrapping around him.

I looked down at my hand and saw that the flower was glowing. All the vines were too.

I thought about more vines, and more wrapped around him. His whines stopped, and now he was trying to bite the vines to escape.

I bit my lip hard as I struggled to get to my feet. I kept half my thoughts on the vines, and half on getting up.


I looked away from the struggling werewolf and sighed in relief as Harry, Liam, Lou, and Ava came running out the garden.

I smiled and held onto the tree for suport.

My smile faded away as I realised the vines were leaving.

The wolf growled and jumped out of the mess of vines. It started to run away.

They all were getting ready to shift, when I brought my hand up and thought, Vines.

Thick, leafy vines shot out of the dirt and wrapped around the wolfs legs, holding him in place.

He growled loudly and snapped at them, but I kept growing more.

Everyone was gaping at me. Liam's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head.

Harry ran forward, shaking his daze off. He was at my side in seconds, and he was looking at my new cuts and bruises.

Liam, Lou, and Ava were getting closer to the werewolf, and then Ava set her hand on his head, he stopped struggling and went limp.

I brought my hand back towards me and the vines disapeared into the ground.

I felt very dizzy, and losing my balance, I fell into Harry's awaiting arms.


"She's definitely special."

"No one can know about this."

"This is terrible."

"Where's Leo?"

I opened my eyes and groaned at the soreness in my arms. My stomach was killing me, and my head was pounding with a passion.

"How did you do it?!"

"That was amazing!"

"So cool!"


Harry shut up everyone and looked at me.

"Are you okay?"

I looked around and noticed that we were in the living room, and I was on the black leather couch. Everyone was in the room, looking at me.

"Um, I think so?" I replied, sitting up with the help of Cam.

"How did you do it?"

I looked at her and tried to steady my breathing as my brain went into overdrive.

How did I do it? No one can manipulate plants. It's physicaly imposible. Plants can't be told to do something. Nor spring to life when called upon.

"Park," Cam said, cutting off my thoughts, "you changed the color of the rose. That's why I stumbled. When you closed your eyes and took in that breath, the flower petals changed color. It turned blue."

"Blue?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, blue. I was shocked, and that's what made me lose my balance. Then Leo came and he-"

"Leo?" I questioned.

"-flung me across the garden, then did the same to you. And Harry, Liam, Ava, Niall, and Lou came bursting from the house, ready to shift. Niall helped me back, but the others went for you. And then they saw... they saw what you're capable of."

I stared at Cam, wanting to cry again.

Am I really that powerful? So powerful that I can make plants follow my controls? Can I do more things? Things I have never known?

"Harry," I whimpered, wanting comfort.

I was standing and wrapped in his arms in a second. I let my head fall onto his chest and closed my eyes tight, wishing that these past weeks were just a dream. I would wake up in a second, and laugh as I tell Harry all about it. It would be normal.

"Jump." Harry murmered into my ear.

I junped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He sped upstairs and into our room, closing and locking the door behind us.

We just stood there, hugging, for the longest time.

We both finally pulled away and Harry took my face in his hands. He stared into my eyes, searching for something.

I felt the hot tears fall down my face, but he wiped them away just as quickly as they came.

"What's wrong with me Harry?" I asked slowly and quietly.

His eyes showed a glimmer of sadness, "Nothing's wrong with you baby. Nothing."

"Then how did I do that? You can't do that. Ava and El can't. No one can." Tears were falling freely now, "How come I can?"

He wrapped his arms around me again and held me close. "Shh, it's okay. Liam and Ava will find out answers. It's okay."

I sniffed and leaned my head on Harry. "I love you."

"I love you too Park."

I don't even know how long we were hugging for, but we eventually pulled apart.

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me again.

"Are you sure you're okay sweetie?" Harry let go of my left shoulder and put his right hand on my forehead. "You're burning up."

Harry picked me up before I could say a thing and set me on the bed, pulling the warm covers over me. He went to turn away, but I snatched his hand.

"Stay, please."

He gave me a weak smile and laid next to me, pulling me close to his chest. I let out a shaky breath and let my hands fall on Harry's arm. My head was on his arm as well.

"I love you."

"And I love you." I said in a whisper, closing my eyes and letting my dreams enter my mind.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now