Chapter Thirteen

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Liam and Ava were sitting in the garden.

Today's Ava's 21 birthday.

Liam wanted to take all of us out to her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden, but since Rob is her brother, he didn't wanna risk it.

Me or Harry getting hurt that is.

I sighed as the curtain fell back into place, blocking me from Liam and Ava.

I felt terrible. They can't have fun because of us. Because of me, Ava is stuck at our house. She told me not to worry about it, but I still feel terrible.

"Park, Ava said it was okay. Please don't beat yourself because of this."

I turned around and say Harry closing the door behind him. He was wearing his usual outfit. Tight white v-neck, and black way-too-skinny jeans.

"How can I not think that? The only reason that they aren't out right now is me." I said sighing and plopping onto the bed face first.

I felt the bed go down due to added weight and knew he was sitting.

"Baby," he said rubbing my back, "I know that you think this is your fault, but it isn't. This has nothing to do with us. If you want to get specific, this is about Rob and me. He can't do anything to you if I'm still alive."

"But that's the point!" I yelled sitting up, knocking his hand away.

"What's the point!?" He yelled, his voice rising.

"Harry, you're not safe because of me! The only reason all this is happening is because of me."

Harry's eyes were burning yellow. I could tell mine were too because everything had a tint of yellow to it.

He opened his mouth to speak, and his eyebrows went down, like he was about to yell.

"If you think for one second!!- PARK!"

I felt a strong force slam into my side, sending me flying off the bed and towards the window. I made contact with the glass - but I was moving to fast - it shattered.

I was falling from a three story window.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as my body sliced through the air, getting closer and closer to the ground.

I closed my eyes tight, and thought of a net of vines.

Net of vines. Net of vines. Net of vines.

My back hit something soft. I opened my eyes and saw that it worked, the vines were there.

I quickly made them go away and stood on the grass, looking up at the window. I heard yelling, and a lot of banging.

I growled and motioned my hands down, vines grew from the ground and went under my feet, lifting me up.

I got to the window and let the vines go back. I climbed through and launched myself at the weird black cloud.

My whole body felt on fire. I resisted screaming as I held on to the unknown black-mist tighter. All the emotions seemed to drain out of me, and I felt light headed after a couple seconds.

Suddenly, the black must evaporated and I fell to the floor, on top of something. Another human.

I screamed when the body moved and pushed me off. I landed at Harry's feet and he pulled me up, holding me close to him. I noticed that everyone was in our room, ready to attack.


We all froze. Liam growled and took a protective step forward, steping in front of Ava.

"My name is Azalia. Please, I hope you can forgive me Parker, I did not mean to slam into you. That was a terrible mistake. I am sorry."

The woman, Azalia, was quite short, about 5'5. She had pitch black hair, and blood red eyes. I shivered when we made eye contact. Her outfit consisted of a tight black shirt, and tight black leather pants. I actually liked one thing about her whole attire, heeled black boots were to die for. Not literally though.

"What are you?" Harry asked, tightening his hold on me.

"I am Azalia, daughter of Satan, and princess of Hell."

"You didn't answer my question. What are you?"

"I think by me saying I am the daughter of Satan, you would assume that I am a demon."

Harry scoffed and let me go. Liam tilted his head to the side, and opened his mouth.

"Satan has a daughter?"

"Yes. And a son."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Zayn said putting his hands up, "How do we know we can trust her?"

"You cl-"

"She showed her true self, you idiot. Stop asking questions that are already answered." Cam interupted Azalia, putting her hands on her hips.

Azalia nodded and explained, "Demons are always a black cloud, like I was when Park jumped on me. When they show their true form, that ultemently puts trust in everyone who sees it."

Liam scratched the back of his head, "So we have an angel, a demon, a vampire, and werewolves. What else?"

I really wish he didn't ask that question.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now