Chapter Thirty Five

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I read the note and was heart broken.

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. And I mean everyone.

I looked at Ava, "Park said that people know about the secret in your closet. And that she's going to give you a gigantic hug when she sees you."

Ava smiled and looked like she was going to cry. "She remembered." She whispered putting her head on Liam's shoulder.

"Remembered what baby?" Liam asked.

"I told her a while ago about the small tunnel I used to escape the house from. And she remembered. That's why I told her, because I knew Rob would put her in my old room."

I looked back down at the note and smiled, but then I frowned and got mad.

Zayn looked at me and grabbed Perrie's hand. Lou did the same with El, and Liam with Ava.


"They chassed her as wolves. Wolves. I know Rob knows she can't shift. She fell, and her wrist is broken. And she doesn't know what is going to happen next."

Liam was about to say something, when the door opened and Nate came in.

He had a piece of paper in his hand.

He was breathing heavily, and was sweating.


I shot up and snatched the paper out of his hand, opening it and reading it out loud.


I'm scared.

Rob pulled me out to talk to me, ask me questions, and when I was leaving the room he said the word soon.

Just the word soon.

I don't know what to do. Harry, he's going to try to kill you. He is going to kill his mate. He is going to kill you.

I can't handle this anymore. You need to get me out. I can't escape on my own.

I need you guys.

I love you Harry, and I love all of you.


I threw the note on the floor and turned for the door.

Nate went in front of me and held me back.

"Harry, Rob tightened security. There is someone planced at almost every way in and out of the house. It's not smart to go run up there and walk into a trap."

"He's right Harry," Liam said coming up next to me, "we'll do this tomorrow night. We'll be ready."

I walked past both of them and grabbed a piece of paper off the desk, I grabbed a pen from the drawer and wrote a quick note back.


We're coming.


I handed it to Nate, entrusting him with one of the most important pieces of paper I have ever written on.

"Thank you." I whispered as he took it.

He nodded and left that second.

I looked behind me at everyone and let out my last calm breath.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now