Chapter Thirty Three

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Nate agreed to by a spy for us.

He's going to pretend to be on their side, but really be on our side.

He is also suposto give Park the note I wrote her, but we'll see.


I was in a new room now. After I woke up, Rob put me in a different room, it was identical to Ava's, this one is just a light blue color.

I layned on the bed looking at the celing. I'm really bored. There is nothing to do but sit around and wait for something to happen.

There was a single knock on the door that made me jump. I looked at it, but nothing happened.

I looked at the floor and saw a envelope. I scrambled off the bed and picked it up.

My name was written in a very familiar font.

I riped it open and took the paper out. I sat back down and opened it.

It was from Harry.


I'm so sorry I haven't come to get you yet. I wanted to leave the second I heard you scream that night. But we need to plan this perfectly, and now that we have a spy in the house it will be so much easier.

It's Nate. He's agreed to help you escape.

And Park... I know you might not love to hear this right now, but I know.

I know you're carrying our baby. That makes me so much more motivated to get you back. I miss you more then you will ever know. I miss you so much it hurts.

I need you back in my arms. I love you.

And happy late birthday baby. I'm sorry we couldn't spend it together. But as soon as I get you back I'm never letting go. Ever.

I'll see you soon my love,


I was bawling by the end of the note.

I curled into a ball on the bed and clutched the note to my heart. I fell asleep thinking of Harry.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now