Chapter Thirty

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The door closed and locked. I stood there, prying in my head to remember what Ava had told me when we first looked at the Northern Pack House blueprints.

"And this is my room. Rob's office is straight down the hall. But my room has a story.

"At our house it's mandatory for all newborns to live with their parents in their rooms untill age three. Then they move into a room on the first floor with another kid until they turn six. Once you turn six, you get to pick your room.

"My father was still alive and Beta when I turned six. So he let me go in every empty room to see what it was like. I was a fairly smart kid, so I looked for one thing. A way out.

"Unless you were above the age of fifteen, you can not go outside. It was one of the most enforced rules.

"So little six years old Ava wanted a way outside. So I picked a room in the outer walls of the house. The adults still watch you untill you turn eight. Then they pay less and less attention. So when I knew so one was paying attention, I went into my closet, moved my shoe rack, and the small padding of white carpet and began my plan.

"My uncle, who was also my godfather, would do anything for me. He adored me. He helped me with it. And after one year, we had done it.

"We successfully made a hole from my room to outside of the house. The exit is in a bunch of bushes, so no one noticed when I snuck out at night to lay in the grass and look at the stars.

"I was a mischievous little kid. I'm almost positive that no one has figured it out. Even to this day."

I imetiently looked at the closet.

I opened it and saw all of Ava's clothes. When they all met at the bar... Cam and Ava couldn't come back because they were traitors. They couldn't get their things. They had to restart.

I got on my knees and carefully pushed the shoe rack over. I saw a patch of white carpet like Ava said. I moved that and saw my ticket out.

Ava was a little genius.

Author's Note


I'm sorry that I haven't really been updating a lot, but I've had a pretty busy and sad spring break.

I hope you all had a good spring break, and if you're not on spring break, I hope you had a good week in general.


I love all of you, and again, I hope you have a wonderful Easter, or in general a wonderful day.


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now