Chapter Fifty Three

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Previously in Hunted,

We started to walk down the hall, away from the... bodies on the floor. Ricky looked a little pained to be seeing his pack unconscious, and Lou was trying to reassure him. Mike was talking to Ariel, and Liam was talking to Ava. Ed and Nolan were at my sides, and I could tell that they were both done messing around.

As we reached the end of the hall, I looked back at Mike, and thought that maybe he could show us were Rob's office is, or his room. But before we reached the doors, a piercing scream came from outside.

"El!!" Lou screamed making a straight beeline for the doors a couple feet away from us.


We all followed Louis outside, and the second the doors opened, all hell broke lose.

Emilie, Aria, Sapphire, Shannon, Alisa, and Azalia were protecting Niall, Cam, and an injured Eleanor.

Cam was shaking El, her mouth moving quickly, and she was crying. El was still, and with every shake Cam made, the more pale she seemed to become.

Lou's eyes became the brightest yellow I have ever seen. He released the loudest growl I have ever heard, and shifted that second. He ran straight through all the North pack's wolves, shoving them harshly to the side.

Once he got to El, he shifted back, and Cam backed off. He fell next to her, crying. I could see from over a hundred feet away, her eyes opened, and her mouth moved to say four words.

"I love you Louis."

Ava gasped and grabbed onto Liam's shirt as she went limp in Lou's arms. He wailed, holding her close to his body, rocking.

We all felt the pain set deep into our hearts as El passed. Her presence left all of our souls, and I instantly felt an overwhelming amount of sadness.

I looked at Lou, and his demeanor had changed dramaticly. He was standing now, growling loudly, catching the attention of the northern pack.

The Elements stopped attacking, and looked back at Lou. A white glow was pouring out of him, surrounding his entire body.

A bright, white flash blasted over the woods, and Lou was his werewolf. He didn't look any different, but as soon as he went for the first Northern, everyone knew something had happened to him.

"He's stronger!" Liam said reading my mind.

I growled and shifted into my wolf. Liam and Ava followed me, and soon, we were all fighting.

Shannon shot various fire balls at anything that moved, that wasn't us. Emilie lifted parts of the earth up in the air that held werewolves, and blasted them into the forest. Aria made small twisters, and flung wolves across the gigantic lawn. Sapphire calmly stood her ground and gracefully encased wolfs into small bubbles of water and left them there until they were out of breath, then she would drop them.

Alisa used her wings to blast everything away from her. She also used her force fields to push back the line of attackers. Azalia broke into the minds of everything, and they all would fall to the ground, whining loudly.

Niall and Cam worked together to trick their opponents. They distracted, then the other attacked. Liam and Ava did something similar, but they played with the wolves, fooling them by falsely attacking.

Ed was solo, making sure his opponent was down before moving on to the next. Having a vampire on our side played well for us right now. Nolan petrified anyone who tried to touch him, and threw anyone that got past that. He was fast, strong, and extremely good in combat.

I didn't linger on anyone for more than a couple seconds. I bit their neck, shook, and moved on to the next one.

We were all working relatively well, if we saw someone struggling, another would help, giving them a small break to catch their breath and strategize.

Until I smelt strawberries and mint.

I couldn't focus, the smell, it was overwhelming. I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, but every second I smelt the air, the stronger it became.

I looked back towards the house, and I kid you not when I say everything stopped.

The fighting, the yelling, screaming, everything. People shifted back to their human self, and I was one of them.

Park, was on a balcony, her hands tied behind her back. She was very, very pregnant, and I could see the tears in her eyes. Rob held her arm tightly with his left hand, and in his right, was a pistol.

We made eye contact, and it seemed like everything zoomed in on him. He tilted his head down slightly, and smirked at me.

Hell no.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now