Chapter Forty Four

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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling a tremendous amount of pain.

My arm burns, my head aches, my legs feel weak, and my stomach is killing me.

All in all a good day so far.

I looked around from where I was laying and noticed that I was in Rob's office. I was in the corner by the bookshelf. They must've put a bed in here.

I began to feel tears swell in my eyes as I thought about Nate. He flew out the window, a two story drop, plus at the velocity Rob threw him, he is not okay.

I sat up slowly and craned my neck to see the clock.


Seven minutes.

I stood from the bed, but it was difficult, I had to hold onto the desk. I braced myself for the pain that I am most certainly going to feel the second I try to walk.

Yes, and I was correct.

I gasped and almost lost my balance, but someone caught me.

"Mike," I smiled, but it vanished when a wave of pain hit me like a truck, "I'm in labor."



I felt strange.

I don't exactly know how to explain it, but it sort of feels like someone is constantly pushing at me. From the second I woke up this morning to right now, runing throught the woods.

I'm also ahead of everyone by a lot, which isn't abnormal, but I'm extremely far ahead. And I think it's the pushing. I'm almost certain.

I stopped running when I smelt other werewolves. I growled and began to pace back and forth, waiting for everyone else.

Liam was the first to show. He stopped and began pacing with me.

Then Lou, Emilie, Niall, Sapphire, Ava, Cam, Nolan, Shannon, Alisa, Aria, and Azaila all came shortly after.

"Where's Perrie and Zayn?" I made the mental conversation start.

"I don't know, they were behind us. Try getting a mind link to him." Lou said sitting next to a tree.

"Don't bother, we're not coming." Zayn's voice broke through

"Zayn, what do you mean? We're a pack, get here now." Liam growled.

"Not anymore Liam, that won't work on us." Perrie said in a weak voice.

"So you're going rogue?" Liam asked with a saddened voice.

"Yes, I no longer want to be a part of the pack One Direction."

Ava, El, Cam, Niall, myself, Lou, and Liam all winced as Zayn left the pack. Lou looked at me and I shook my head.

"Tell Park that I'm sorry. And that I love her, and that I hope we'll meet again someday. I love you all, goodbye. I no longer want to be a part of the pack One Direction." Perrie fadded away.

El let out a loud cry, shifted, and collapsed onto the ground. Lou shifted and ran to her, kneeling next to his sobbing mate.

I shifted as well, and everyone else did too.

Liam looked like someone punched him in the stomach, when pack members leave the alpha always gets it the worst. El is crying because Perrie was in the pack as long as she was.

"She was my best friend!" I heard El sob as Lou took her in his arms.

I glanced at Liam again and he nodded.

"Okay," he started, "Sapphire, north end of the house, Emilie, south end, Aria, east, and Shannon, west. If you see any wolves that aren't us, stop them in their tracks. When you hear me give the signal, come to the house."

They all nodded and ran off in their directions. Shannon stayed after and put her hands on Liam's shoulders. "I'm sensing someone is going to be great peril. Please, all of you be careful. Good luck."

She gave us a weak smile and started to turn, but I called out to her.


She turned, "Yes Harry?"

"Why are you fighting for Parker?" I asked, getting chocked up in her name.

She smiled and looked off into the distance.

"Parkers mother was our mother's best friend. We were born around the same time as Parker, and our mother was ecstatic because we could all grow up together, but then Parker's grandfather, not Satan, he's is Park's uncle, but Satan's and her mother's father, the Devil, came and tried to kill me and my sisters because we were too powerful. So my mother faked our deaths. The Devil was not happy with that though, because my mother could just have more children, so he killed her. Parker's mother tried to stop him, he almost killed her too, but she took us when she knew he was going to kill her, and hid us. She saved our lives. We are going to return the favor at last."

With that she turned away from me and turned into a huge ball of fire. She shot forward, and disappeared into the trees.

Liam grabbed my arm and started to run towards the house.

I stumbled, but kept pace, "Liam!" I said snagging my arm back.

"It's five!"

Author's Note


I know some of you will be mad that I took Zayn and Perrie out, but I wrote this chapter around the time Zayn left the band.

I was as upset as the average fangirl, but I realized that it wasn't worth being sad and mad about. It's his life.

And I felt like since he left One Direction, it would be right if he left it in the book too.

Thank you all so much for all your love and support!

Stay beautiful,


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now