Chapter Fifty Five

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Harry was about the length of a football field away, but he was gaining speed fast. He plowed through everyone and everything.

"HARRY!" I screamed, letting the floodgates open. He was running extremely fast, but he had to stop a lot because people were getting in his way.

I heard the doors behind me close and lock. I turned and saw the outline of Rob in the door.

That bastard.

I turned back around and looked over the railing of the balcony. If I wasn't in labor, I could make it. But, I'm in a labor. My hands are tied also, so that's out.

I looked out into the mass of people and looked at all my family fighting. I could see everyone. Ed, Niall, Cam, Liam, Ava, Shannon, Aria, Emilie, Sapphire, Lou, Nolan, Harry, Alisa, and Azalia.

I couldn't see Zayn, or Perrie, and I grew deeply confused. I could sense that they weren't hurt, but then why aren't they here?

I felt a deep pain set into my stomach, and groaned loudly. I fell forward, leaning on the railing for support.

The pain was so intense I lost my vision for a moment. I couldn't feel anything, and I didn't know I was screaming until my vision came back. People were staring at me, and as I made eye contact with Harry, he broke.

He shifted straight into his wolf, and roared.

Yes, Harry roared.

Anyone who was still human, shifted right away. People flodded to Harry, trying to stop him from getting closer to the house.

I saw Ricky and Mike run out from the house, and shift. They attacked their own pack members.

I saw a red wolf, the same color of Ed but not the same size. It was smaller. It was running full speed towards Harry. I tried to scream out to him, but I couldn't find the strength to. The wolf jumped straight over Harry, Mike, and Ricky and started to fight the Northern Pack. I finally lost all the strength in my body and fell off the railing. I sat down and watched the fighting through the poles.

I heard a very loud scream, and my tired eyes scanned over everything. Before I found who made the noise, I heard another scream, this time a lot louder, and there was more pain present behind it. I found it. Emilie and Aria were laying on the ground only feet from each other. Shannon and Sapphire were fighting fiercely, crying because sisters were gone.

Even though I didn't spend a lot of time with The Elements, I felt sad. I don't quite know how to explain it, but I feel like I knew them for my entire life. I know there is a story behind them wanting to fight, and I will figure it out.

My attention went back to Harry, who made some progress getting closer to the house. Mike, Ricky, and the wolf I don't know were helping him a lot. The four of them fought well together. Helping the others when they needed it, but staying out of the way when they didn't.

My heart physically started to hurt when I looked over the field. seeing all these people fighting because of me... it's too much. I don't deserve this. I don't at all. I'm not worth saving. Everyone should just leave, and them Rob can give me to Stefan, like he was supposed to do.

It's a better option than all these people dying.

Another ear spiting scream came from my left. I quickly turned my head and saw Sapphire surrounding herself in a hurricane of water. She was on her knees on the ground, sobbing as she looked at Shannon. Her three sisters were dead. It's my fault. Everything is my fault. I did all of this. Sapphire is alone because of me.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now