Chapter Forty Nine

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Disregarding that there was an entire pack trying to kill us, we ran out of the room and down the stairs. Mike lead the way, and Ricky was behind us, watching.

"What the hell is happening!?" Ava asked. Liam shook her before we left the room, and she woke up, she is just really disoriented.

"Someone who is obviously not wanted got in the house!" Mike said as we reached the main hall.

There was a gigantic crowd of people, I looked at Liam, and we had the same idea.

"Attack now!" Liam yelled.

We all lunged at random people, and that's when the real chaos began.

People were shouting things like, "Get Rob!", "We're under attack!", "What is happening!?", and "It's One Direction!"

I never stopped moving, because I knew that if I did, I would be caught and killed on the spot.

I kicked, punched, slapped, and slashed at everything. I knew I did some pretty good damage on someone when my fist came into contact with their chin.

I must've not been fast enough, because someone pushed me with a great amount of force. I flew threw the crowd like butter. Before I knew it, I was picked up off the ground.

"Fight!" A girl yelled at me.

I did what she said and started punching more random people.

I looked over my shoulder quickly and saw a flash of red curly hair.

I almost got kicked in the chest I was so confused. I grabbed some guys collar and chucked him backwards. I guess the red-headed girl had the same idea, because the person she threw hit the one I threw.

We both smiled, then grinned at each other.

I grabbed her wrists, and she grabbed mine. I picked her up and swung her in a circle. She kicked about ten people, and once she landed, she used my shoulders to lift herself off the ground and kick two guys.

"I'm Harry," I said falling to the ground and taking someone's legs out from under them.

"Ariel," she said grabbing someone's hand and flipping them over her back.

The fighting continued for about another twenty minutes.

Liam was holding Ava in his arms, she was unconscious. Nolan and Lou looked exhausted. Ed and myself probably could fight a few more.

I heard someone groan, and Ariel and. I got into a fighting stance at the same time. A guy rolled over, and glared up at me. "I'll drag you to hell, Styles!" He spit on the ground.

"Nobody can drag me down, sorry."

Ariel rolled her eyes and stepped up to him, I looked away when her foot went backwards.

All I kept thinking was, where's Rob?

"Who's that?" Liam asked after he made sure we were all okay.

"I'm Ariel." She said standing taller. "Who are you?"

"I'm Liam, leader of this pack."

"Oh, you mean the pack that I just demolished? Good leadership skills, I have to say." Ariel smirked and crossed her arms.

"Listen you little-"

"Liam!" I harshly whispered.

"I've been through hell this past hour, and if you can't see, my mate is unconscious, and she didn't get hit, or anything. She just collapsed. So I don't know what is wrong with her. So how about you cut to the chase and tell us who the fuck you are, and why you're here."

We all stared at Liam wide-eyed. None of us were expecting that. And if Ava was awake, I'm pretty sure she would have passed back out. Liam is always so calm, and he almost never swears.

"I'm here because my father told me to find someone. Two people, actually. Ed and Parker? And my full name is Ariel Sheeran."

*Mike on side, or above*

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now