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"Wake up, love! Or you will be late to school." I heard my dad screaming from downstairs.

Ugh! Not again. How come the sun raised so early? I pressed my face further into the pillow. "Ruhi!" Another yell fell on my ears and it was mom shouting. Soon blanket was pulled from me, the one providing warmth. "Are you planning to skip school today?" Only if I could! Only if I!

"Get up! Or I would pull it off." As if she hadn't pulled the blanket already. I rolled my closed eyes.

"Yeah!" I rubbed my ears, slowly lifting my head from the pillow. I glimpsed at my mom. She could be so fresh as if it wasn't seven in the morning! How could someone smile in the morning? I shook my head, sitting on the bed.

"I had prepared your breakfast and kept it on the counter." She was folding my blanket. "Bus will reach in half an hour. See that you finish it on time," she wasn't waiting for my response, as she knew I won't provide her with any. Who even talks early morning? When you're forced to wake up? "Hmm... be ready by the afternoon. Need to visit granny, she was missing you."

"What?" That grabbed my attention. No, not now! I was planning to have a beautiful morning.

"Can for once you show the happiness of visiting your granny's place. It isn't something so scary as you show it off." She rolled her eyes, walking towards my desk. Inspecting everything in my room, I sighed. Wasn't in a mood to argue, I felt so less energized.

"Preethi would come as well." She answered. Maybe reconsidering my worries. I hummed in response. Why? Groaning inside my head. I was planning my evening with several incomplete books to read. I wanted to know how Eve and James would end up? Not desiring to spend a day with my cousins, uncle, and aunts. Scaring evening! My mind would ponder about it the whole day. Why did even she have to inform me in the early morning? I was feeling like crying, why even I overthink to such an extent? Everything would turn good, think positive Ruhi. You won't be humiliated with your not-so-amazing cousins.

"Make it fast!" Commanded as she walked out as if she hadn't just blasted a bomb on my head. Surely, I was exaggerating but I couldn't help it.

I made my way towards the washroom, and after completing all my business, I walked downstairs. My parents might have left long back. I moved towards the kitchen counter. The black shelf had my sandwich placed on a plate. I smiled at it. Though mom is a working woman, she never puts off her duty as a mom or a wife. I never could match up to her energy. Preparing food was always her way to express her love.

I moved my eyes towards the clean shelf. I shook my head. Took a bite of the sandwich, shifting my eyes on the watch, indicating I had more than fifteen minutes for the bus to arrive.

I was never a fan of rush eating, ignoring the thought I took a big bite this time. Inhaling deeply, my eyes fixed on the family photo. A smile crossed my lips, I was blessed with a wonderful family. A figure in his fifties got into view, his black hairs turning grey at the edge. Yet he would claim about him being a young. The arguments of him considering to be young made me smile wide. I keenly observed his picture. Those big black orbs did justice with his dark black hairs. It wasn't much longer and had the same cut, his favourite. And his orbs were shining in mischief, showcasing the child held within.

The brown coat covering his never-so-fit body with a tummy increasing its size every passing day defined how foodie my dad was. Credit went to the lady standing beside him. She had wrapped her charming self into a golden saree. Her blackish-brown hair was pinned into a bun. Leaving loose strands to fall from either side of her face, making her look gorgeous. Her fair skin was only making her beauty known to the world around, with those brown orbs radiating slight shyness. Those were the most beautiful couple in the world.

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