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I attempted to rush off as if that could escape me from it. As I turned, Anuj called me out. "Miss innocent! Wait! Where are you going?" He questioned, stopping me on track. As his voice was loud enough to grab everyone's attention.

I turned facing them as anticipated everyone was staring me. "Don't tell me AJ the special friend you mentioned is her." Came an appalled voice of Zara, staring between me and Anuj suspiciously. He winked at me, slightly nodding his head. "What is it with her and boys?" She shook her head in disappointment.

"We could both agree for once. I too don't get it." Mia uttered, eyeing me from top to bottom.

"Anuj, you're well aware about our rivalry with Rudr and his gang. Don't add more fuel in it," Aarav voiced out. I widen my eyes on listening to it. Why it would fuel? Wait a second! What does they mean?

"Have you guys lost it?" Anuj rolled his eyes at his friends, moving towards me. "I ship people but don't ship myself with anyone." Wrapping his arms around my shoulder. "She is a very good friend of mine don't try to push wrong conception in her mind and drive her away from me." He warned looking at each one of them. I sighed in relief, "so miss innocent. Where will you like to complete your assignment? In your home or library?" Wait! Was he serious? Was Mr arrogant, bad boy, cold hearted person going to help me with my history assignment?

"Are you seri..ous..." I stammered at the end finding it difficult to register.

"She is so annoying man! Hardly she brings a word out and when she does, she stammers." Mia uttered, causing me to glare at her.

"There wasn't any need to act so rude." Zara spoked on my behalf.

"Waiting for your answer though I know what you will chose." Anuj winked at me, his presence beside could make me so comfortable.

"Library," I whispered to him.

"Could anyone hear it? Why are you so dumb, girl?"

"Stop, mocking her, Mia." Warned Ehaan, shocking the rest present over there. I was stunned but others were flabbergasted.

"Let's leave," Anuj was first to come out of shock and dragged me towards the library. He had a hint of smirk playing on his lips, helping dimple to pop slightly. Soon we heard footsteps after us but none questioned Ehaan for his behavior.

As we got inside the library, the flashes of last night passed my mind. Unlike before it wasn't dark but had lights on. For a moment when Anuj asked me to chose I wanted to go with home but I couldn't let stranger visit by home and specially, I couldn't let my parents meet them. As after it many question would be ask and I wasn't ready for it. They hadn't offer a good impression on my dad. So, library was a better choice. I wasn't alone and had many with me so there wasn't any chances to get lock in the library.

"I assure you, that you won't get lock." I heard a deep, rough voice whispered in my ears. I looked up to glance at the person, tilting my head a little. A smirk playing on his reddish-brown lip, that never left him unless it was fury engulfing him. He passed, offering a wink at me. He seemed rather in frisky attitude totally differentiated from the mood I found him in washroom.

I could sense a gaze at me and soon diverted my eyes at the person. She was gifting me with daggers, her hazel blue eyes cold as ice. As if wasn't appreciating what her those eyes had witnessed. But without waiting further she entered inside. I was going to follow but again a voice grabbed my attention.

"Seems like I will have to change my views, no longer I dislike you so much." It was Zara and she was smiling widely at me. Aarav shook his head, getting in and we followed him.

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