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Loud cheers echoed from every corner of the podium. Each eyes were fixed on the source who had announced through the poster that he would reveal his identity in the concert. The crowd seemed huge than before, everyone waiting patiently to know the person they were admiring from such a long period.

It was fascinating that people loved him even before knowing his personality. Audience admired him for his craft, his passion. Music or any form of art was beyond race, caste and personality. He was a clear example of it.

An uncertainity passed my spirit, I was excited to glance at him but the bigger part of me was nervous, anxious. I was scared that upon his one glance, we would judge him. Within this years unknowingly we had shaped an ideal image about him. That image would be constant comparsion to his real self. I was frighten that my craze for him would decrease after knowing his true identity, his personality. He would no longer be ideal because he was human, flawed as us.

Samaira nudged my arms on finding me lost in thoughts. I spare a glance at her. She raised a brow at me. I shook my head, assuring her I was fine. My eyes moved to rest of the friend accompanying us. Zara and Anuj never accompanied us in the concert night. Varun would be along with us not for his craze for music but his craze for Samaira.

That was also the constant reason I wanted Ehaan to accompany us. I felt third-wheeling along with the beautiful couple. Aarav hardly had any conversation with me, especially when he had to manage fan-girls surrounding us.

We heard an announcement, and soon my eyes glued on the stage.

A figure facing his back to us was standing on the raised platform. My heart accelerated. My gut screaming that I would be appalled after the revelation. The background music started playing, my eyes not even blinking with the building suspense.

The figure moved turning towards the audience. My eyes enlarged as my brain analysed the similarities. That messy chestnut hair spreading on his forehead. His fingertip playing with his messy hairs. Those dark brown orbs scanning the surrounding in a hope to find someone. His brows frowning in confusion. With his reddish lip pulled into a thin line.

"Ehaan..." I heard Samaira gasped in surprise, confirming my eyes weren't imagining things. I blinked to further assure myself of the reality.

And soon those set of beautiful dark brown orbs rested on me. A smirk playing on his lip. I narrowed my eyes. He was teasing me all those years. When he was well aware about my craze towards his singing. Even he acted furious displaying his jealously on my foolish attempt to praise 'Mysterious K' in front of him.

Hasta rehta hu

Tujhse mil kar kyu aajkal...

[Why do I keep smiling after meeting you these days?]

A grin appeared on his face. My eyes finally managed to leave his and discover a guitar in his hand. His finger moving gracefully between the strings. It wasn't the first time I caught him playing the wonderful piece of instrument making an urge in my heart to learn it as well.

Badle badle hain

Mere tevar kyu aajkal...

[Why is my mood entirely different these days?]

My eyes met his intense gaze. Realising that his eyes hadn't left mine after his dark brown orbs had caught my glimpse. Repeating the earlier lines once again. Those lyrics striking my heart as his each song had done to me before.

Ankhe meri har jagah

Dudhe tujhe bewajh...

[My eyes look for you everywhere for no reason.]

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