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She walked away from Ehaan, gripping my elbow. Piercing her nails on my soft skin. I gasped in pain as blood started oozing from it. "Get the hell out of my life. Don't you fucking..." But before she could continue, she was jerked away from me. A loud sound echoed in the entire corridor. Ehaan had gifted Mia with a tight slap around her cheek.

I stood there. My eyes widen in shock. Did he slap his girlfriend? Why? Stupid! For you! My heart was screaming in joy, excited. But my mind was halting me. Why would he? Maybe they were having some arguments before I arrived and it was a result of it. It wasn't a mystery that Ehaan lost his calm easily. But I had never seen him hit a girl before.

Mia glanced at Ehaan with painful hazel orbs. Her lips shivering as she was stopping herself from busting in tears before us. "I had warned you enough. Stop! Messing up with her." I couldn't glance at Ehaan, but his dangerous, deep voice was indicating he wasn't a person to mess with it. He seemed fuming in fury, his knuckles rolling into a ball.

Her eyes wandered from him towards me. The revulsion towards me in those beautiful blue orbs couldn't be missed. She had started hating me.  "What does she have?" Her eyes roamed from the top of my hair to the shoes under my feet. "An ordinary, foolish, naïve girl." She twisted her face in disgust. "You're rejecting me for her?" Her expression spoked the volume. It was unbelievable! So was it for me! I couldn't believe my senses. Why would he choose me over his beautiful, mesmerizing girlfriend? Surely, he was mad over her for some reason and she was mistaking his acts.

He would clear her doubts soon. I waited for him to utter something that could erase the doubt planting in both our minds. I couldn't allow my heart to believe it. It would raise my hope and I was scared for it. He was out of my league; my growing interest was complicating things further. Much to my displeasure, he didn't voice a word out. Grabbed my wrist without glancing at me once and dragged me along with him.

Mia kept on blabbering, cursing, pleading but nothing worked. He kept increasing his pace as if all he desired was to walk away from the lady who was turning insane with each passing second. He didn't stop even when my legs were knocking each other. The few teacher crossing by was eyeing us suspiciously. His grip grew tighter each time, I tried to pull away from him. I couldn't match his pace.

I sighed in relief when he halted in his track, my head spinning a little with his high speed. "Where on the earth..." I met with Anuj furious eyes and opened my mouth but Ehaan interrupted him.

"Get out!" He ordered towards the person sitting on the jeep. At that moment I realised we had reached the parking lot, standing in front of Ehaan parked black jeep. Anuj was standing beside Aarav who was sitting on the passenger seat. He was staring at Ehaan with a confused look. "Aarav don't make me repeat my words." He was sounding much calmer, holding his bottled-up fury yet his gritting teeth was giving off his exasperation.

Aarav didn't take a minute stepping out of the jeep, the minute his feet landed on the ground. Ehaan glanced at me, his face emotionless yet the inbuild anger powering his brown orbs. Radiating the burning fire within. I gulped getting scared for a minute before maintaining my posture. "Get into the jeep." He ordered, yelling he wasn't in a mood for a denial. His two friend was staring at us, hoping to be offered some explanation.

Without giving a thought I got into the seat. Trying to calm my nerves, everything was happening at such a high speed. I wasn't able to make sense, what was even happening? "What..." Aarav had opened his mouth to interrogate but Ehaan win over him.

"Where is the first aid?" he inquired making them tense.

"What's the deal, Ehaan?" Anuj jumped, his eyes spying on me before rolling back to Ehaan but soon landing on my hand. Without wasting a second he was next to me. "Who did it?" He interrogated sounding concerned as well as furious. I huffed in annoyance, wasn't wishing to witness another angry lion.

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