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My palm had turn brighter shade of red due to my constant force on the door. "What had I done? Why so much anger? Please open, my parents are going to be mad if they don't find me home." I was blabbering to the door as if it had got ears. It wasn't new, I was fond of talking to myself.

Once again attempting to switch the phone on, it ended up waste. Glaring at the scene! What was I suppose to do? How was I suppose to inform my parents? What was the time? My heart was beating fast, eyes on the verge of ending into tears. Though I kept on glaring at the phone with frustration.

"Seems like you love glaring." I raised my head from the cell to glance at the person. Rather than furious, stern expression painted on his face, a smirk was playing on his lip. Amusement passing through his dark brown orbs. I ignored him, attempting to open the door once again.

"Can't your brain understand?" His mocking self was back, "the door is locked. Stop making fun of yourself!" Couldn't he had enough of humiliation? How could he never worn out of it?

The helplessness covering me soon brought fresh tears to roll down my cheek but I brushed it off. "We are lock and all you're interested in is insulting me?" I glared at him, attempting again to push open the door.

I heard a hurried footsteps towards me and soon I was banged into the door. "Ouch!" My head was knocked into the hard surface roughly, and a strong grip was laying on my elbow. I hissed in pain closing my eyes sharply, his forceful grip on my jaw resulted me to open my eyes.

And regretted the minute my eyes met his dark, dangerous, fuming brown orbs. He seemed so scary! Though I kept my posture calm not to showcase that I feared him.

"Don't you dare to talk me in that manner? Haven't you learn your lesson? Aren't you enjoying your torture?" He glared at me, I was glaring him but instead tears were rolling down my cheek. I cursed myself, I hate this sensitive person. I could never yell at person due to that stupid, annoying tears. Idiot! I was angry!

Rather than insulting and again making fun of my emotions. His orbs soften, changing its to chocolate. His eyes brow raising slightly as if questioning me reason behind those tears. His hand slowly moved from my jaw to my cheeks, sending shiver down my spine. I was never in such close proximity with anyone, it was making my heart to raise it pace due to nervousness, horror and much more emotions I couldn't depict.

He slowly brushed the tears off my cheek, staring straight into my dark brown orbs. Our eyes were so similar yet we were so polar apart. His hands didn't move from my cheek nor his eyes from mine. It seemed strange, weird even but something in me felt excited. What was happening? A loud sound of his cell, made us to realise our position.

Ehaan pulled himself, cursing something under his breath. He soon pulled the phone from his pocket, "yeah..." totally ignoring my presence. I stood there stunned not knowing how to react? My heart wasn't calming down whereas he seemed normal. I took a long breath, again concentrating on the door before me.

"I am aware! Yes, will reach soon." Conveying so he ended the call. Had he forgotten that we were locked inside the library that was on third floor? How would we ever move from here?

He glanced at me for a second and started moving at the opposite direction. What should I do follow him? That wasn't a good idea, he would bust on me. I would have to do something with the door as he seemed least bothered of walking out. I could hear him walk, why it scared me? Did he had some other escaping route? He seemed serious when he uttered those words. What was I suppose to do?

He had cell, I could call my parents at least they would search for a route. But how was I suppose to ask him? And would he hand me? He seemed so arrogant! I needed to try, giving in my thoughts I followed him. He halted at the same position I had found him before, I could guess it was his favourite spot in library. I rushed towards him, he again seemed lost or maybe examining the window.

"Hmm... I... need your cell to call my parents." I bite my lip in nervousness while conveying it. I had least hope he would listen to my plead. His eyes blank as if least affected by my words, "please..." I pleaded, showing my desperateness. Maybe he had heart deep down in some corner of his body. I got a slight glimpse of it when he wiped those tears off my cheek.

Praying that he would buy my excuse. Instead he moved towards the window, ignoring me. I narrowed my eyes at him, he was so cruel! I stood there, glaring at his back. All he was interested was in the window. Soon, he pushed the window with force and much to my surprise it was opened. A smirk played on his lip, what was so amazing in it? Not that we could escape from the window? We were on third floor! He pushed the glass further so there could be enough space for him to escape. And soon he stood on the window glancing outside. Was he going to jump from the third floor? Was he planning to end up in hospital? I was horror-stricken by his act. Surely! He was insane.

He turned to glance at me raising his brows. "What? Are you planning to sleep here for the night?" He questioned as I hadn't moved from the spot nor showed him any excitement after his precious discovery.

"Hmm... I am not planning to end in hospital." I shook my head, he glared at me. Not appreciating my words.

"Your wish!" He whispered before jumping from the door. A loud gasp escaped from my mouth. Man! How could someone self-harm themselves? A person like Ehaan was capable of every harmful thing. I shook my head, taking small step towards the window. I needed to confirm he had landed safely though I doubted it. Taking a small nervous step, I peeped out of the open window. Nothing! Apart from a hole of darkness nothing came to view.

And soon my wrist was grabbed and I was pulled out. A loud yelled escaped from my throat, eyes widen as I felt I was going to land on the ground from third floor. Surely! I was dying! I closed my eyes in fear, engulfing the faith awaiting for me. I waited and waited but nothing came, no sharp pain witness! Only the grip on my wrist tightened and also a steel grip around my waist. I could feel something hard against my back but it wasn't something I was anticipating.

I was anticipating a sharp pain at the back of my head, or the noise of my bone broken. But nothing too dramatic happened, I was standing on the ground. At least my feet had landed into something hard. I slowly opened my eyes not desiring to meet with the dark orbs. His those chocolate brown orbs were staring at me with amusement, as if he was surprised as well as taken by my reaction.

A mischief radiating smile was overlapping his face, that stern exterior was replaced. I was amazed seeing him, different. "What was that?" He chuckled, his hands moving from my wrist. He inquired staring at me with curious gaze as if he was interested in my response.

"What...?" I shuttered; I was dazed. First I was going to land on the ground from third floor, second he was standing an inch away from me and third, his changed behaviour. How else I would had reacted?

"That closing your eyes shut and what was you muttering?" He raised a brow, smirk playing on his lip. I widen my eyes much broader than it even was possible with same action repeated by my mouth. "Yes!" Exclaimed, "nothing is going to happen Ruhi. Calm down! No, you're not landing in the hospital with fractured legs." I was appalled with those words.

Had I whisper it? Why I wasn't aware about my own words? What was even wrong with me? Soon I heard loud echo of laughter, astonished with the view before me. The rude, arrogant monster was laughing! Was it for real? I doubted whether he knew what smile was and here he was laughing his heart out in front of me.

It wasn't a mocking smile, he had offered me before. Rather it was a genuine one, his dark brown orbs were glittering in darkness as if radiating some light hidden deep inside him. His face masked with less of emotion or fury was radiating amusement, adoration, amazement even. That fair skin of his was shining in the moonlight and a hint of small dimples popping from his cheek. He too was gifted with dimples, as his friend Anuj.

"How could you be so innocent?" He pulled my cheek, "Anuj isn't wrong..." He chuckled, slowly staring into my eyes. His laughter disappearing in the background, though the adoration not leaving his dark brown orbs. For a moment I felt a person standing before me was someone different not the Ehaan I had knew for more than a week. His arrogant, cold behaviour wasn't doing justice with the person before me. His hands slowly caressing my cheek, "miss innocent..." he whispered his voice soft, delicate as if he intended to emphasis on each alphabet. That cold, large hands stroking on my soft, sensitive, warm skin.


Aren't they adorable?

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