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Maybe the conversation I had with Anuj had a serious impact on him. As he wasn't planning to leave any time sooner from my house. The clock was ticking, and they were busy planning for a game to play.

"If we are planning to spend our evening here, why won't we ask Zara to join us?" Suggested Samaira, getting excited about the game. Aarav seemed paled while others shared a look among them.

"She mentioned being busy, but let's give it a try." Offered Varun, sounding uncertain. It was further confirming my doubts about a serious problem between the friends. Varun dialled her number, excusing him from us.

"Let's sit in a circle..." Suggested Anuj, making himself comfortable on the marble floor. Followed by Samaira taking a far seat away from him. Soon, one by one, everyone followed it. Varun walked back with the news that Zara would accompany us but after a few hours.

We had sat in such a position that Aarav was facing me, Samaira was facing Ehaan and Varun facing Anuj. "So, let's start with never have I have ever." Announced Anuj, popping his dimple. He seemed excited about the game but I knew it was planned to lighten my mood.

"Wait! We don't have the bowl." Interrupted Aarav getting up from his seat. I wanted to help him but he gestured to me to have a seat. "Don't worry, I am not intending to finish the remaining pizza." Winking at me, he made his way towards the kitchen. He was slowly getting comfortable around us. Loosening his outer stern attitude and showing us his inner self. He was a cheerful company to spend some fun time with.

Within a few minutes, he walked back, a smirk playing on his lip. I eyed him suspiciously, what was in his devil mind? "So, let's the game begin." He kept the bowl in the centre, having his seat.

"I will go first," yelled an enthusiastic Anuj. I couldn't help but giggle on glimpsing at his over-excited self. His eyes slowly rested on me, deep delight crossing his spirit. Confirming further that it was all planned to lighten my mood. "Never have I ever got attracted towards an opposite sex."

There was an around of laughter. "What the hell!" Muttering some round of cruses, Aarav took the first sip from the bowl. Varun was next followed by Samaira. I stared at the bowl, slowly extending my hand for it. At the same moment, a hand reached the bowl as well. My eyes slowly raised to glance at the source. The rough fingertip brushed my soft skin, our eyes locked together. Suddenly, the mask of blankness was slowly wiped off. Those dark brown orbs were showing a hint of adoration but he diverted his orbs from mine. Jerking his hands away from mine.

He had offered me with repulsion yet my heart yelled he was faking it. I couldn't glimpse a hint of revulsion, but waves of adoration in those dark orbs. I reached for the bowl taking a sip from it. As the drink touched my throat, the taste got me disgusted. I twisted my nose in horror, what kind of drink was it? I hope, I don't have to sip it again!

"Wow! Seems like my small sister is growing up." My cheek brightened up on Anuj that remark.

"Thank God! She isn't like her big bro." Mocked Aarav at Anuj, making me giggle silently.

The bowl was in Ehaan's hand, "wow! Am I dreaming?" Aarav teased, making Ehaan glared at him. He took a sip from the bowl.

"That's a miracle! Who is that fortunate girl, who finally was able to knock you down?" Anuj was grinning wide while Ehaan was shooting daggers at him.

It amazed me it wasn't something great for the most popular guy in our school to be attracted towards a girl?

"What's so amusing in it?" Inquired curious Samaira.

Varun chuckled before providing a reply. "Ehaan had never been attracted towards a girl even if he had dated many." He shook his head, our eyes planted on him. What did he mean by it? Wasn't dating supposed to mean you're attracted towards the person?

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