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"Ruhi!" Samaira's sound was loud enough to halt the chores happening around. "Man! You're bleeding." Finally, the two hungry lions stopped as Samaira surveyed my face properly. Worry lapping in her eyes, I attempted to open my mouth to assure her I was fine. Each time I opened it a little, the pain doubled.

"Did they kick her..." I heard a faint amazed voice of Mia, she was overjoyed with the revelation. I felt humiliated, but soon it laced with fear.

"Fuck... the hell!" Rudr sounded dangerous as he glared at the individuals, trying to hide their guilty faces. "Kunal! Have you fucking lost...!" his scream was turning louder as he made his way towards me. Eyes threatening the storm be held within. I muster up the courage to at least offer him a smile. His concerned, pissed face was stressing me.

"Asshole!" Muttering curses, whether it was for them or him, I couldn't depict. He seemed frustrated with himself as well. His warm large hand cupping my small face, "fuck..." I couldn't even twist my nose in disgust. Couldn't he stop cursing! It was getting so irritated to listen to those words.

"Stop cursing..." I heard a small whisper, I stared in the direction. His dark orbs could darken every single time I stared at it. Those were staring straight into mine, his jaw clenched. His reddish lip was thin in a line, nails surely digging holes in his palms. He stood there with a stern look yet I knew a fury was burning inside him. He had rooted himself to the spot as if moved an inch, he would lose all control over himself.

Rudr paid the least interest in his remark but Mia's eyes were staring at his boyfriend who wasn't bothering himself to glance at her once. His eyes fixed on me, I diverted my gaze from him. Rudr was examining my face, as his thumb slowly brushed my lips. A completely different feeling passed my senses, never had any boy touched me there. And someone as attractive and nice could make anyone heat their face. Was I blushing?

A thin layer of pink covered my face, followed by slight pain. I hissed, his eyes turning guilty. He was on the verge of opening his mouth but Anuj interrupted him.

"Sorry to spoil the moment. She needs to be treated and you can have your moment after it." He pressed a smile at Rudr, standing beside me. "And I will make it sure you never have it," it was meant a whisper to himself but I heard him. He offered me a sheepish smile on seeing my wide brown orbs staring at him in shock. He slid his hand around my waist dragging me away from them soon I heard footsteps following us.

"Haven't you spoiled a beautiful moment?" Samaira glared at Anuj, pacing up with us while the rest seemed distant away. Mia, Ehaan, Aarav left leaving Zara and Varun behind.

"No!" Growled, as if that thought displeased him. Samaira didn't speak anything further but the suspicious gaze she was offering to Anuj was enough. I nudged her shoulder to back off, but she kept on staring.

"How come you are a friend with such an annoying person." Muttered Anuj, "I have no feeling towards your best friend." He shot her a furious, annoyed stare. "How can Varun even like such a person?" Again, the whisper was loud enough for both of us to hear, which made Samaira have a blush forgetting the conversation she was having with Anuj.

Soon we reached the nursing room. Sometimes it was embarrassing to have an overprotective friend as they kept on asking the nurse if I was fine? If the injury wasn't deep? And accompanied with frequent apologies coming from Kunal though he wasn't fully at fault as Aarav had done it. I gave a slight nod with a smile assuring, I was fine. The silent visitor was Varun and Zara. There was something in the group apart from Anuj mostly others were silent until they were bouncing on others for a fight. They usually were more talkative among their gang.

"You're fortunate enough to get such a caring friend." The woman in her early thirties, who had packed her things before we reached. Pass her smile at me, we had extended her stay. "See that you take care." I blinked at her with a smile and soon we walked out of the room. The part around the cheekbone seemed better it was no longer numb. Maybe as she said my bone wasn't injured but surely the pain only increased with the ointment she applied.

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