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I hadn't uttered a word throughout our journey back home. Ehaan had glimpsed at me, frequently. Those concerned filled brown orbs. I wanted to glimpse at him, assure him I was fine. I wanted to question him, ask him to confirm my doubt that Rudr was lying. But I was afraid, frightened to deal with the truth.

What if it was? What if he had acted as Rudr voiced? What if he was a murderer? I choked, pressing my palm under my mouth, suppressing the cry inside.

"Angel..." worry overlapping his spirit, his large hand engulfing around my small one. Squeezing my hand in comfort, "what is it?" He sounded tense. "Speak up..." he urged, allowing more fresh tears to flow down my cheeks.

I pressed my lip together, clutching my hands. I closed my eyes, preparing myself. I couldn't hold it any longer. I needed to find peace. Maybe accepting the truth would provide it rather than escaping from it. "Is it true that you used Zara to take your revenge on his cousin?" Suddenly the assuring hands were pulled from me. I opened my eyes, glancing at him. Those dark brown orbs that were trying to have a glimpse at me was fixed on the road. "Is it true that your false claim resulted in him committing suicide?" I gulped, my hands shivering. As I was waiting for my decided faith. The truth kept hidden from me for more than months were on verge of revealing. And my heart yelled I won't be pleased with the information.

"Ehaan..." I tried, to touch him, but he jerked my hand away. His eyes glimpsed at me for a second, that fierce stare knocked the breath out of my chest. He seemed upset, broken but above all furious, betrayed.

"Did you believe him?" His orbs accusing, claiming as if I was the culprit. I averted my gaze not wanting to answer him. Did I believe Rudr? My heart was yelling it to be a lie, but hadn't I believed Rudr? I had scanned for every sign of him being lying but I wasn't offered with any. I heard Ehaan's mocking laugh. "You believed him! You fucking believed that bastard!" He banged his wrist on the streeling wheel. "Fuck! That moron!" His leg pressed the accelerator, pulling the engine to its maximum speed.

I grabbed my seat tight, the fear of meeting with accident wide in my eyes but he cared less. His mind was engulfed in anger, forcing him to act on impulse. I wasn't knowing how to feel? Should I be guilty or force him to reason out? Ask him to justify? Would my questioning prove I wasn't trusting him? But hadn't he behaved in such a manner? Hadn't he shown his cold attitude around? I knew he cared for me but it was only offered to his friend and me. He cared less if he hurt someone who had no value to him.

He halted pressing the break with a jerk. I had anticipated my head would hit the glass but instead met with a solid, hard texture. I slowly opened my eyes moaning in pain to find his hand spread on the portion where my head would have been banged. I slowly glanced at him, his eyes straight ahead not sparing a glance at me.

"Ehaan..." I wanted to justify, to tell anything that could calm him down.

"I am getting late..." He uttered, still not sparing me a glance. I nodded, pressing back my sob inside. Not wanting him to see me breaking down in front of him. I got out of the jeep, "and about your answers..." he spoked, increasing my anxiety to an extreme level. "Yes!" His eyes locked with mine, my heart wanted it to be a lie but my brain knew it wasn't. "I am a devil, Ruhi... It provides me with inner joy when I provide pain..." He uttered, a smirk playing on his lip. But his dark brown orbs blank, "but this fucking devil had one weakness and people are going to play with it like a toy."

With those words he turned on the engine, moving away from me. Our eyes planted on each other, my heart ached to see his jeep driving away. I knew I was going to lose him and I was responsible for it. I choose truth over him! My morals above my attraction towards him. Was it that difficult to forgive him? I wasn't sure if it was a correct decision, but I couldn't fall for a murderer. No!

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