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"What would she have to do with Varun?" A confused voice spoke from a distance. I guessed it for Zara.

"Yeah! Varun won't be interested in such individuals." Even in such a situation, Aarav couldn't help but mock us.

"I am asking you something Samaira." His voice lacked emotion. He seemed calm and collected, but that wasn't his state. His eyes were burning holes in Samaira's head. "Why is he ignoring us? Why is he ignoring all the places where he can find you?" He was gritting his teeth. Why he had to express it directly? And wasn't he to question his friend rather than troubling mine? I glared at him, fuming in anger.

"How would I know? I hadn't met him for days and wasn't even intending to..." She wasn't provided to complete her statement.

"That's the problem right, that you weren't intending. You were ignoring him for what? This friend of yours..." He narrowed his eyes at me. "She is the root cause for everything, for every fucking thing." Eyes radiating anger, fire. What the hell! What he had against me? Why he hated me so much?

"Don't drag her in between!" Came a warning tone from Samaira, I knew she could act defensive when it came to me. "She had nothing to do with the happening. And I don't know why you're dragging us in between what happening in your friend's life? We are not even close friends," she looked away from him glancing at me. Deep down, I felt as if maybe Ehaan's were correct. Samaira disliking grew towards Varun due to me. She chose me over him! If I wasn't present maybe they both still would be in contact.

"Oh, come on! Stop lying on the face," he uttered in displeasure. "You and I very well know, she is the reason behind all. She is the reason behind everyone's grimace." He scowled directed towards me. I glanced into his eyes and all I could see was pure hate.

"You stop lying!" Samaira raised her voice, giving the least emphasis as we were in the library. Not that we were concerned about it before. "She isn't to blame but his friendship with you all. His company with people who find pleasure in humiliating others, insulting others and gaining power by making others seemed little." She moved her eyes at each person present in the place. "We are better off away from cowards like you." Her eyes were straight on Ehaan, he was glaring with the same intensity.

Soon, Samaira grabbed my hands and we turned from them. I wasn't intending our break to end at such a conclusion. I was scared for Samaira, Ehaan wasn't a person to mess up with. It frightened me what if he wants to plan another revenge on Samaira.

"Fucking bitches! You both are going to pay for it. For hurting my friend, for breaking his heart." That statement halted us in track. What did he mean by breaking his heart? Wait a second why was he blaming Samaira for all this?

"What do you mean?" I turned to face him, he was making me so confused.

"Isn't it getting in your thick skull? He likes her," my eyes widen in shock. What the hell!

"It wasn't intended to express in such a manner." I heard a small mumble from Anuj who was few inches away. I stared at him confusingly, he gave me his sleepish smile, pooping that dimple up.

I glanced at Samaira, she was staring at something in infinity. Her eyes were blank as if she was dazed to react. I could sense her pain, she was shattering down yet maintaining her posture. Throughout her childhood, she had breathed with the confusion that whether her crush would ever spare a glance at her and upon coming to know he liked her, what more would she wish?

But she wasn't glad, happy, eager to know the answer rather emotionless as if it no longer mattered to her.

"Are you sure?" I inquired, I wasn't aware from where I musted up the courage. But I wanted to confirm it for Samaira's sake. He narrowed his eyes at my question as if too pissed to answer. Arrogant monster!

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