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My mood was brightened after the conversation we had outside the washroom. Seeing Ehaan's determination to work things between us showed what value our bond had for him. I was strolling out of the staff room, after helping the last lecturer with our books. A girl had accompanied me.

"How is preparation for boards going?" She initiated the conversation as we were strolling in the hallway of the fourth floor. I had a special connection with the fourth floor of our school building from the very start, the importance was only increasing after the past few days.

"It's going on..." I pressed a smile at the girl. I never communicated with her as she wasn't very fond of initiating conversation with me. I was seen as a naïve, nerd girl in our classroom, and it never seemed appealing for a girl like her to extend her hand for my friendship. She came under the category of popular, showing the least interest in education and wasting her time in everything outside the class. One of the reasons she had agreed to accompany to place the books in the staff room.

My eyes wandered around the classroom, as we were passing by. 12th B, the class that was famous for the trouble they provided to teachers, the same class where... My eyes kept strolling from one individual to other, legs coming to halt. I could see some students glancing at us but soon moved to the teacher explaining something. I was on the verge to give up when I heard a familiar voice.

"In search of something?" I darted my gaze on the source, my eyes widening in surprise. I shook my head, in denial.

The person laughed hard, "Oh! Man... she is so cute..." Zara was giggling at me. Her figure had varied from the last time I had glanced at her. She had gotten thin her glowing face had turned pale. Those round, large black orbs had dark circles around them. She seemed in a very bad state.

"I think... I am the happiest soul on the planet at the moment," Anuj whispered. Detaching from his gang and walking towards me, his hands slowly wrapped around my shoulder. "My ship had sailed and it's rocking..." he rejoiced. Others were pressing their smile, glancing frequently at annoyed Ehaan. Suddenly, Anuj's eyes darken his features stern. His eyes directed at Ehaan, "you better keep my little sister safe." He warned and was offered with an intimidating gaze. "Don't you dare think you can scare me with..." He paused seeing the Ehaan getting irate with his words. "Fine," raising his arms in surrender. "I won't trouble you, carry on..."

Ehaan shifted his gaze from Anuj to me. His dark brown orbs soften, taking in my delicate figure. As if it wasn't just an hour ago we were standing in the proximity and he confessed his feelings. "What were you doing here?" His voice was stern but orbs conveyed the concern hidden within. His eyes darted from me to the girl standing beside me. I had forgotten about her existence, pressing my lip together I glanced at her. She was staring at Ehaan as if she was drooling over some celebrity. Her eyes not blinkering for a second, as if memorizing his figures.

I pulled my gaze away from her. She was making my heart be filled with emotions that would further burn my heart. "To staff room..." I responded, the glance at the girl had affected my mood. He raised his eyebrow in question, waiting for me to elaborate it further. "To place books..." I rolled my eyes, he wanted to know every detail of my life yet conveyed very little of his.

"Why you weren't attending the class?" Pointing at the one going on, I interrogated. My eyes sealed on those dark brown orbs, he had the charm to hold me captive.

"Ruhi! They aren't nerds like you to attend classes." And those were the first words rolling down by my companion. I had to make a note to write her name somewhere, as I kept on forgetting it.

Those dark brown orbs darted from me to the source of the voice. I felt something within me, the insecurity budging in. "You?" His arrogant, authoritative voice filled the hallway. The deep shiver spread through my spine, mere one word and he could scare the crap out of any individual.

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