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I had slept in my room while others were busy in the living area. I was on the verge of having severe migraine so I choose to grab a minute of rest. Samaira came up with a plan of presenting my parents with a surprise. Twentieth anniversary needed to be special.

I slowly rubbed my eyes as I woke an hour later. My over-curious spirit not letting me have a break. I was overexcited for the evening. As I slowly descended the stairs, I found them busy, engrossed in a serious discussion. I had never seen them so disciplined before.

"So, Anuj and Varun grab some decoration stuff," Ehaan ordered, making them agree. He offered them a sheet of paper. His eyes later moved to Samaira and Zara, "look after foodstuff, here is the list." Handling the sheet of paper. "And Aarav," he removed another sheet of paper, "some old collection of songs." Everyone gave him an assuring look and soon walked out of the house.

"Wait!" I called them out, and Aarav stopped in his track as others had already left. "I will come along with you, dad has..." I was going to walk towards the door.

"I had ordered you to rest right," Ehaan grabbed my elbow, halting me.

"Yeah, But Dad is very choosy with..."

"I had handled it all!" He interrupted not letting me speak.

"But how would you?" I questioned getting confused.

"Samaira helped me," he muttered. I glanced at Aarav at the door but he had left. I huffed in annoyance.

"There is nothing left to help with," I pouted. His lip turned upward in a smile. His hand wandered from my elbow to my waist. Pulling me towards him.

"No, I have a most important work for you." My eyes danced with excitement at his words.

"A lovely message, by their lovely daughter." Those words made me grin wide. I had thought about a beautiful gift for them.

"I had thought about it!" His eyes glittered with delight as he glanced at my happiness. "I will need your help," I requested.

"I am all yours..." he muttered making me blush red. Hiding my eyes from him, I dragged him into my room.


"Should we will place it here?" I asked, discussing about picture collage planned for my parents. I heard no response from the other side, I looked in his direction to find him staring at my childhood picture. "Ehaan..." I called him out in annoyance. We were left with such a less time. Some were busy decorating our house while Samaira preparing a cake with help of Zara.

With us occupied preparing my gift. Soon, his furious eyes met mine. "What?" I asked with his sudden shift of mood.

He darted his gaze from mine, handling the picture back to me without answering my concern. I shook my head, taking the picture from him. "This would be nice over here," I muttered to myself. As I observed the picture of a smaller version of me with one of my childhood friend, he was planting a kiss on my cheek.

Ehaan grabbed my elbow not letting me stick it "Only beautiful memories were decided to be pasted." His orbs shooting daggers at me.

"This one was beautiful as well..." I wanted to stick the picture but his hand wasn't allowing me. "Ehaan... what's wrong?"

"I hate him!" He groaned like a kid. A smile crossed my lip, keenly observing his jealous self.

"You don't know him how can you hate him?"

"He got to kiss you," I wasn't able to believe my ears. From when he turned a kid? "Don't look at me in such a manner. It's weird but I can't help feeling it." He grumbled showering me with his innocence. Aww... I never knew I would be allowed a free ticket into his inner child.

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