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"It assured me in our few visits you will be an amazing better half. You proved me today, your insight on things is too deep." Anuj had a grin on his face as he expressed those words. One offered to me when someone was proud of me. I glimpse that in his eyes. "Maybe you don't speak so much, but when you speak, people can't stop admiring you."

I felt so overwhelmed by his words. I was often criticised so much for my lack of communication habits, even socialising. They often asked me to change myself, questioned, even labelled with different names. None ever understood me, not even my parents. They often asked me to socialise more often, but within a few days, Anuj excepting me as the person I was overwhelmed me to a huge degree. Indirectly he was mocking back at Mia, for the comment she made a few minutes back.

"I find it senseless. Nothing amusing, in it!" Expressed, humiliated Mia. I wasn't aware why she possessed such a huge disliking towards me.

Zara faked a cough, "start with the boring project." Attempting to change the topic.

"What do the books have?" Inquired Ehaan grabbing one from my hand. And soon got busy reading the book, I took a seat next to him. Removing the sheet of paper from my bags. I Messaged mom I would reach home late as I was completing a history assignment. A few hours passed by, I had written two long pages. And I could thank Anuj for it, he had chosen the best assistant I could ever be offered.

Ehaan used to explain those incidents so nicely, I could even write a whole book on my topic. Surely, it confirmed he was a gifted child!

"Does we have this in our syllabus?" Questioned Aarav making Ehaan halt in his explanation. He huffed in annoyance, he wasn't fond of interruptions.

"Hmm... I guess yeah..." Mia spoke manifestly.

"Then I am passing history due to Ehaan." Others chuckled listening to his statement.

"So true! I could never imagine preparing for a history assignment could be so rewarding. Thanks, Ruhi for this!" Zara offered me a smile, it was the first time she behaved so nicely with me.

"Though I don't mind Ruhi getting the credit, but shouldn't it be me? I had asked him on first place," questioned Anuj. Zara rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Why wasn't I aware of my buddies such skill?" Aarav asked, sounding surprised.

"Because you never spare time to listen to me on our group study. You were busy chatting or should I specify flirting with your group of girlfriends." Came Ehaan's sarcastic response, though made others laugh yet Aarav faked a grimaced face.

"Student! This is last warning if anyone utters a word I am pushing you out of the library." The old figure voiced out, showing her displeasure at our careless attitude.

"You listened to her! Now all of you move out, or you won't help us to complete the assignment." I widen my eyes listening to it though I knew it was necessary, I couldn't trust the person beside me.

"But..." Anuj was going to oppose.

"I think he is correct. We need to leave." Zara stood up followed by Aarav, Anuj seemed hesitating but stood as well.

"Aren't you coming?" Aarav asked on finding Mia wasn't moving.

"I won't disturb them." Mia reasoned.

"You are forgetting, Rudr had asked you to reach within a few minutes and the assignment isn't finishing any time sooner." Aarav voiced out, "I will drop you. I don't want him to again put restrictions on you just for your small mistake." He was sounding stern yet I could sense his concern in his voice. While the rest two seemed least bothered.

They had a huge disliking towards Mia and never hid it from their friend. But Ehaan and Aarav had some different attitudes towards her.

"I think, Aarav is correct. It will be better for you to leave." Ehaan agreed, Mia though wasn't desiring yet stood from her seat. Hugged Ehaan, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"Will miss you, take care." She whispered in his ears while at the same time glaring at me. I darted my gaze, I wasn't aware why she dislike me so much?

"You too..." And soon they made their way out of the library.

"Where were we... yes the Mahatma Gandhiji visiting those camps..." And soon more hours passed with us engrossed in the partition era. As we were discussing things on what we read, I was getting comfortable with him. Adding some points of mine, he approved some of them while rejecting some. I could claim he was an amazing person who could turn boring study matter into something enjoyable. Something which the education department never learned too!

"How could people come in such rumours? Haven't they witnessed his attempts to free India?" I was stunned on finding people blaming the freedom warrior for the destructions. "Shouldn't the blame should be on such mindset which wanted to divide a nation?" I opposed it, wasn't it insane?

"Crowds at that period wasn't that mature. They often came into others manipulation, I guess even today people have such mindset." I narrowed my eyes listening to him. He wasn't wrong people often trusted rumours and acted irrationally.

"Students!" The librarian clapped her hand as a gesture to grab our attention. "It's already time." She glanced at her wristwatch. "We need to move." She informed.

"But ma'am some few..."

"No! Child, time is up." She was determined not to take a word. "I need to leave..." she sounded tired, maybe she was exhausted with the work we added on to her.

Disheartened, I put the notes in my bag. More than seven pages were left, but I could finish it on my own. I couldn't trouble others more. Ehaan looked amazed with my move but he stood from the chair and place the book back on the shelf. We soon walked out of the library as well as the building. The guard on the gate was waiting for us, and soon he locked it after glancing that everyone was out.

The sun was setting in the sky, it wasn't dark but I wasn't sure if I had any energy left in my body. "More seven pages are left..." whispered Ehaan as we moved out towards the parking lot. I was scrolling down the contact list to dial for dad. I nodded not knowing what to speak. "I can drop you," he offered and I stared at him stunned.

"No need to trouble your parents, surely they would be working." I got suspicious on listening to it. I hadn't ever uttered to him about having working parents. Not that it was an odd thing but with the confidence he uttered, it assured me he knew it.

"How do you know that?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious, you walk back in local bus after practice or there is always a school bus dropping and picking you up. They weren't aware of your disappearance before it was late night or the way they shower love on you, they might have visited school a few hours after your disappearance. Also, they were wearing professional clothes as they came to pick you up last night." I was staring at him, appalled. Had he uttered those things? How could he be so observant? Weren't those extrovert people full of themselves, too loud to notice other presence? "What!" He sounded annoyed at my baffled reaction.

"How do you know they care?" He rolled his eyes, staring at me in disbelief.

"Did you forget, you dialled them on my phone? And talking to them in front of me. They even asked you to keep the stranger along with you by the time they appear. It shows how much protective they are towards you also insane." That last remark comment made me glare at him. None was given the right to offend by parents, except me!

"What isn't it insane that they were asking their innocent daughter to keep a stranger beside her." He uttered the fact.

"Maybe they know their innocent daughter don't trust stranger quickly."

"So, she trusted that stranger?" The smirk again spread on his lip. I shook my head, "did she?"

"Not so easily!"

"Had to try hard then!" Though he was flirting I couldn't help the smile crossing my lip. His impression had differed from the first encounter we had, surely he was showcasing various versions of him.

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