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I leaned on the table, shutting my eyes close. Stop! Screaming on my head. Why do you keep troubling me? What wrong had I done? Pouting at the unbearable pain.

"Do you have any idea? How adorable you look when you're talking to yourselves?" I heard a voice and rolled my closed eyes. The sound felt familiar but I wasn't planning to open my eyes.

"Stop! Troubling me," I grumbled. "I am having enough torture," I complained as if he was the reason behind my pain but he was. Neither had he worked his charm on me nor I had been heartbroken by his acts. Yet he was determined to hide his past from me and still I wanted not to hurt him.

"I am not troubling you," he pulled my chair causing me to raise my head from the table. I glared at him, though my head was offering pain.

"Ehaan!" The blurry vision was making it difficult to glance at him. "I don't have any..." I whispered, faintly. I could hear him sigh, and lean towards me.

"Why are you forcing yourself to study in such a state?" He was trying to hold his anger back but it was getting difficult. Him gritting his teeth could display his fury on my carelessness.

"I am left with no option. I don't understand a word!" I expressed my agony, nervousness, fear. "I would lose it. I need to work hard. I can't afford to lose, my parent had huge expectations from me." New tears emerged on realising my helplessness. "I am engrossed in things that aren't important. I am not behaving as an ideal daughter." I wasn't sure where those words were hidden? I wasn't aware, I was so defeated from within.

"Shh!" He shushed me, his large hand cupping my cheek. "Haven't I promised, I won't let you fall. You won't be a loser but a warrior. I know it, angel. Please trust yourself and me for once..." his voice low, requesting.

I brushed off the tears, staring at him straight. His feature was clear, those dark brown orbs staring at me with concern. His lips had a slight smile, blinking his eyes in assurance. "I want to trust myself..." I choked, "I want to trust you..." My eyes brimming with fresh tears, "but my heart is scared. It fears of getting broken... it fears of shattering down into pieces."

"I might be the cruellest monster existing on the planet. But I can't ever hurt you." I could only see sincerity lying in those orbs. It was pleading me to believe him. He leaned forward pulling off any space left between us, pecking a kiss on my forehead. A drop of tear slowly slid down my cheek. Unknowingly I had longed for his touch, I was clueless about it until he made the move.

"Come," he raised on his feet. Extending his large arms for mine, small one. I knitted my brow in confusion yet allowed him to decide for me. We walked towards my bed. "Now, sleep..." he demanded. I shook my head in a negative manner. The pain had reached its height! It was impossible to have some sleep.

"I won't be offered any," I voice sounding helpless. His dark orbs lighten a little, his lip pulled together in a line. As if having a debate inside his mind or calming himself from getting furious. It was insane but I could feel him getting furious each time I massaged my forehead or neck due to pain. Each time I shut my eyes close gasping for pain, he groaned in displeasure. As if it wasn't only me who felt helpless but also him. As if he could experience the pain along with me. Ehaan Kashyap never had sympathise with others.

"Do you have painkillers?" He inquired, I rolled my eyes at his question.

"I do." Not at all interested in having any. I had heard from my teacher that some types of medicine were highly addictive. And some painkillers came into that category. So, I was never a fan of medicine. I would live the pain but won't take a tablet.

He stared at me in disbelief, "what are you waiting for?" He shook his head at my foolishness. "Where is it kept?" He inquired further. I kept quiet, "Ruhi!" My eyes widen in surprise, he had called my name. How such a miracle? "I am not in a mood of your stubbornness. Just tell me where it is?" I narrowed my eyes. Instead of taking care of me, he was shouting. What else could I expect from an arrogant monster? His intimidating orbs forced me to come in his words. I pointed at my wardrobe and he rushed towards it without waiting for a second.

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