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The entire ride home was filled with praises about how well I had improved as a dancer. Mom, dad was pleased on seeing us receiving the trophy, dad cheers were the loudest among the crowd. Yet Ehaan was nowhere to be found. He wasn't there to receive the trophy that displeased Mrs Veronica to various degrees, usually when the crowd was cheering his name constantly. I wasn't aware Ehaan had an enormous fan base apart from our school. Surely, he was the most popular guy.

Aarav was questioned about his whereabouts but he seemed as clueless as the rest of us. Though others showed a calm figure, Zara was expressing her displeasure loudly, and it was mostly in concern about Ehaan's upcoming future. She was blabbering something about him, letting the past overpower him, and soon Anuj halted her. Something was messy in their life, hidden from the crowd. Maybe something personal and I wasn't planning to pry into it.

I felt a touch on my shoulder and turned to glance at concerned Samaira. I shook my head, assuring her nothing was bothering me. I needed to pull my brain straight. The competition was done! Our school had won and I was no longer going to stumble into the bad boy gang. I needed to concentrate on my studies that were pending for a few days. I stared out of the window, convincing myself that I shouldn't bother with someone's personal matter. I meant nothing to him yet I couldn't help but let my mind revolve around his last words. Which different version, was he uttering about?

Days flew by, a few weeks passed by with me fully engrossed in studies. My days were clouded with homework, learning for tests and not to forget growing attention from people around me. It seemed as if suddenly I was coming into the popular category as often some strangers in the corridor or even my classmates offered compliments about my dancing skills. Also, appreciate my chemistry with Ehaan. Though most claimed I was fortunate enough to be offered as a partner against him. And it was only due to his impression I was presented well, initially, it made me feel bad but later on, I realised it was their jealousy voicing out.

"Hmm... Maths test was hell annoying." I confessed. "Surely, I am failing in that subject." And I wasn't kidding. The upcoming exams were in a few days and I wasn't at all prepared for it. Burying my face in the palm, in exhaustion.

"Don't worry Ru! It was a surprise one, how would we be prepared for it?" She was attempting to console me but it wasn't helping. Not when she scored among the high marks of the class. I pulled my face up, glaring at her. She showcased a puppy face, the chips in her hand was stopped in mid-air.

"You don't utter a word! Topper!" Though I seemed jealous I won't mind. "My mom is going to kill me for fewer marks." I expressed my worry loudly, crying in helplessness.

"Aww..." Came a comforting voice, I raised my head to stare at the person. He took a seat beside me, engulfing his hand around my shoulder. "Don't worry you can always promise your mom to do better in the upcoming one." I shook my head, tears on the verge to roll down. He treated me as a kid and I couldn't help behaving like one in front of him.

"She won't listen! You have no idea, how scary she acts at times." Slowly lowered my head to rest on his shoulder. With passing days I had accepted Anuj as my elder brother and he had treated me as a little sister every moment he was offered. I looked around as the previous vacant seats were filled one by one. Anuj took a seat beside me, while Varun sat next to Samaira who was sitting opposite to me. Beside Varun, Zara had occupied and on the other hand on Samaira, Aarav. Leaving a seat vacant just beside me, as always.

"I had a solution for you but the solution seemed so far out of reach." His joyful nature was replaced with a glimpse of sadness. I lowered my head, staring at the plates before filled with a sandwich. I was aware of whom he was mentioning. Ehaan! He seemed as if he had distanced him from us, especially me.

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