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I gulped in fear. My eyes diverted from one direction to the other, sweat spreading on my forehead. As I was waiting for an anticipated battle between the two rivals. I pressed my lip in anxiousness.

"Stay away," he warned. A dangerously low voice reached my ears. Ehaan tightened his grip on my wrist, his eyes fixed on the creature before us. Viraj was least affected by his furious gaze. That smirk wasn't replacing. I shook my head as he winked at me, causing Ehaan to pull me behind him. "Fucking eyes off!" He was busting in anger, the radiation spreading around. The music around seemed a distant tone, I glimpsed around. People were quite busy with themselves, enjoying the dance. My parents weren't in a view, I sighed in relief.

"Ehaan..." I attempted to place a hand on his back. A way to calm him down! It bothered me, his furious self. I could feel his muscles slightly loosen.

"Come on!" I heard Viraj voice, attempting to peek at me. "Am I not allowed to even flirt with your girlfriend?" His mocking grin was further infuriating Ehaan. He took a step forward but I grabbed his elbow, forcing him to glance at me.

Those brown orbs were darkening in fury. I gasped in fear. I had never seen him so infuriated. I felt an urge to take a step back but his solid grip wasn't letting me back off. He didn't voice a word out, his brown orbs fixed on mine. The mask enveloped him, restricting me to have a real view of Ehaan Kashyap I was slowly getting used to.

I felt an urge within to ask him, force him to brush the mask off. But he didn't provide me with any opportunity as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the music busting on the loudspeaker. It was getting difficult to match with his high speed yet I kept quiet not attempting to infuriate him further. I was well aware the volcano was on the verge of bursting.

As we walked from the crowd and was strolling down the hallway, the audience around was offering us with spying gaze. I was praying to be spared by my parents' eyes. I wasn't intending to be questioned by them on such an occasion. Ehaan wasn't in a mood to stop, dragging me towards the staircase. Suddenly panic had a hold over me. Where on the earth was he pulling me?

"Ehaan..." I found my voice but it came as a small whisper. He overlooked it, I shouted in response. "Ehaan, stop!" I opposed it, he lessen his pace but didn't listen to my command as expected. "Ehaan... I said..." He interrupted me in between, turning for a nano-second. His rage had shattered into thousands of pieces. I got a view of the devasted individual in the cover of a stern attire.

"Don't..." He was sounding dangerous yet he was broken from within. My breath hitched at the view. No longer I was concerned about the place he was dragging me to. I followed him without a small murmur. For a second I got a glimpse of mom, her eyes diverted from me to Ehaan, slowly landing on his grip over me. I attempted to open my mouth to justify but Ehaan was fast enough to drag me away from her. Not even aware that we had crossed paths with my mom.

Which seemed like hours, he finally stopped. My mind revolved around all the scenarios waiting for me. Mom won't let it pass! Damn! I was so engrossed in thoughts, that it took me a minute to realise Ehaan had stood before a door. I raised my brows in confusion. Whose room, was it? Without a minute of hesitation, he pulled open the knob. Walking inside an unfamiliar room yet it provided warmth, protection.

I wandered my eyes around the room. It seemed dull, dark. Not a ray of light passing the room, not a hint of colour radiating. A musty smell accompanied by dust compelled a cough out of my throat. I waved my hand around my nostril to get the smell out, wasn't planning for a series of sneezing sessions. I was allergic to dust! Soon my eyes landed on the big portrait above the bed, it was covered with the dust yet could get a clear glimpse.

A familiar figure was standing, his portray describing he was in his early thirties. A small baby in his arm, his eyes glittering in surprise as he was glancing at his son. The joy and pride in his dark brown orbs could be seen in only a proud father's orbs.

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