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Having an inner battle and deciding to bunk the class, I lay on the bed. Hoping mom won't drag me out of the bed. Fortunately, mom overlooked the fact. Didn't bother to wake me. They soon left the house. As I heard the main door shut, I pulled out of my act. Walking towards the window and peeping from behind the curtain. Feeling guilty for faking the sleep as the car departed from the house. It would stress their entire day.

But it left me with no option. I was a coward to face the professor. What would I utter? When he was so adamant not to allow me to answer the boards. I shook my head, attempting to brush the thoughts away that were further depressing me. I wanted to plan a way out, someone whom I could share my trouble with, someone who could provide me with some suggestions.

I grabbed my phone, typing a message.

I had taken a break.

Sending the message to the Samaira. I kept staring out of the window. Allowing my brain to shift from the worries fogging my mind. I needed peace to think, to feel better. Stressing won't be a suggestion yet my mind kept rewinding the words spoken by the professor. With the humiliating stares from the other teachers, I was scared that they would question me. My class teacher was present, she had slowly started adoring me. I couldn't witness those orbs showered with revulsion.

I needed to find a way but much before that I needed to calm myself. That could be done with a round of reading novels along with a mixture of my favourite playlist. I walked downstairs, filling my stomach with the bread and toast presented on the cabin. Ending it with a cup of coffee, I strolled in the living room having a book in my hand. I was finally going to read some of my pending books.

For the past few days either I was exhausted or not in the mood to continue with my reading marathon. Moaning in comfort, I leaned further into the soft cushion. My eyes rolled down on the words and soon I shifted to my favourite world. The world that offered me peace, the world brought me happiness. The world that made me believe in possibility, in love, friendship and every positive aspect of the world.

An hour passed by, minutes crossed yet hands weren't ready to close the book. My eyes were draining due to my continuous read, I rubbed it. Pulling away from the book I placed it beside me. Deciding to take a rest as the mission was accomplished. My mood had shifted from a gloomy one to delighted as I read the story of two love birds. The male lead made me adore him and silently wish for someone like him.

Getting up from the sofa, I walked towards my room. I needed my muscles to relax and a warm shower could do the need full. As I walked into the room, I switched my playlist. Song of my favourite singer, mysterious K. Music had amazing healing power and my favourite list could lighten me from any severe depression. Playing it loud enough that the noise could reach my washroom. I got inside it, assuring the water was warm enough. I was drenched in the warm rain, dancing on the tone playing. Forgetting about the world waiting for me. I could deal with it later, allowing my heart to have fun.

Sometimes all you need is a break from the world around you. Sometimes disappearing for a while could answer your biggest doubt, allowing your mind to rest could solve your biggest problem. I shook my head as my mind was diverting back. Yelling lyrics on top of my lungs! Setting my mind back on the song.

Enjoying the song till my body could handle it. Switching off the shower I walked out of the washroom after wrapping a towel around my naked body. Swinging on hips as the music was still blasting on the speaker. I made my way towards my wardrobe. Dressing myself up, shorts and a shirt could be an ideal outfit to spend a lazy day at home. I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was break time in school. My stomach was craving food as well, Samaira might have replied to my message I would check my phone later.

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