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We were sitting in the front seats, for the most awaited final. It was the last year of they representing their school. Though they showcased huge disliking towards our school uniform yet they were proud of it. They had represented it at various events and had always won a trophy for our school.

I could see craving in those dark brown orbs as he sat beside me. His friend had requested him but his ego was high. He would not play due to his pride. The coach had allowed him but due to his overridden pride; he wanted to prove to the coach that Rudr couldn't be better than him.

I stared at the warm-up session. Samaira pleaded with me through her eyes to do something. I sighed. Thomas was riding with overconfident because Ehaan wasn't participating. That meant the game was in their hand before it even started. According to the record, Aarav had mentioned to us. It was only after Ehaan's arrival that Thomas started getting defeated by our school. And if he wasn't playing any match against them, there were huge chances of them winning. The only exception was the last match and they were assured it won't be repeated.

"Ehaan..." I attempted but his glare stopped me. I narrowed my eyes at him, grumbling and staring into the crowd. I knew his ego was going to end his dream of bringing a trophy in his last year of school. The notion itself burden my heart in grief, I was trying to pull my attention away. I knew I would be offered only a few days with him. He will no longer be studying at my school.

As I was lost in thought. My eyes landed on Viraj, my head popping with an idea. Ehaan wasn't aware that I knew the truth about the stalker. I could use it as a weapon. "See, there! Mr Stalker..." I giggled, pointing at Viraj at some distance. "He promised if he wins today, he going to give me a treat." I winked at Samaira and soon she got my hint.

Her gloomy self changed into a delighted one. "That's an advantage of having a friend in the opponent. For you, it's a win-win situation, whoever gets the trophy." Samaira grinned slowly glancing over Ehaan, I nudged her shoulder warning her not to spoil it. She shrugged her shoulder, I shook my head. She wasn't good at acting!

"He even commented that he was waiting for it for a long... I mean..." Before I could complete it, I heard a loud noise and soon footsteps disappeared. I turned in anticipation but he was lost in the crowd.

"I think... the trick didn't work," Samaira whispered sounding sad. I pouted stamping my foot in frustration. It was meant to make him jealous but rather than walking out of the stadium, he needed to walk into the ground. Wasn't that supposed to happen? In movies that were the outcome. My entire life had turned filmy, why does this had to be different?

Sitting there for a few minutes and finally accepting that I won't be able to make peace with myself. Giving an excuse to Samaira, I walked out of the stadium. The crowd was cheering in excitement and as accepted our school was losing it. The results were further pissing me off as I made my way out of the crowd.

My eyes searched for his sign as I was met with darkness and silence surrounding me. Row and rows of vehicles were parked but not a sign of human. I groaned, dialling his number. Was he that mad to disappear without giving a thought? His cell was ringing but he wasn't receiving it. I attempted once again but it went to voicemail. I cursed him, "Idiot."

And strolled towards his jeep. The last hope of finding him and fortunately I did. His huge figure could be seen due to the moon shining in the dark sky. He was sitting in the driver's seat, having a share of his cigarette. I hated his habit of smoking, walking toward him with a furious stare. I stood in front of him, and not for a second he glanced at me. His eyes fixed on the view before him, but I knew he was aware of my presence.

"What are you doing over here? And what with this smoking?" I voiced my revulsion making it clear I wasn't pleased with his action. "And why on earth had you switched off your mobile?" Folding my hands around my chest, shooting daggers at him with my fuming orbs.

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