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"What!" I yelled at Samaira as I glanced at myself in the mirror for a quick check. Spying if the cloth could fit me properly. Anuj had succeeded in convincing me to attend the friendship day party, promising he won't leave my side.

After lots of persistence from Samaira's side, Varun had confessed he had planned a horror movie. Samaira was fuming in anger after the news, and I was gifted with her tantrums. I looked away from the mirror and at the source, comfortably sitting on my bed. I narrowed my eyes at her for those two hours she had taken of mine to make her look presentable. "After much hard work, I am not letting it go wasted." Eyeing at her beautiful self.

"I had no interest in meeting Varun. How come boys could act so desperate? Hadn't expected the same from Varun." She shook her head, sounding frustrated. I couldn't repeat the same as it hinted to me it was Varun at play.

"For that, you can't punish me." I rolled my eyes at her. "I am not walking into the party alone like a zombie." That made Samaira giggle, I faked a glare.

"Who told you're alone?" She paused, "you had your new friend as a company." The tone described she hate the fact. She was so annoyed on listening to Anuj assurance of never leaving my side.

"Don't you dare act jealous," I pointed a finger at her. "You're the one dating not..." I widen my eyes slowly my eyes landing on the person at the door. Eyes and mouth opening in wide dissatisfaction. Why her? Mom stood at the entrance with suspicious eyes on us. Alarms touched my ears.

My eyes diverted from the sight of mom in the mirror to the person sitting on the bed. Her eyes were wide open in horror as well, eyes screaming danger. "What were you both talking about?" I glanced at the mirror in front from the corner of my eyes. Mom was shooting daggers at us, her hands folded around her chest. Surely, we weren't leaving without a proper interrogation. And nothing amazing was going to come out of it.

"I am waiting for an answer?" Her eyes diverting from me to Samaira, my best friend eyes were fixed on me as well. I wasn't planning to utter those words out. "Ruhi! I am asking you something." Her voice was calm, deeper but it was scary than her loud yell.

I slowly turned to face her. She was not even attempting to appear friendly. Wasn't it insane of me to ask her to behave calmly? She had caught her daughter talking with her best friend about dating, and any parents would behave overdramatic about the conversation. But before voicing words, I was waiting to know her fury. She was adamant not to display it openly, offering us with her blank face.

"Mom, it isn't like how it appeared." Attempting to justify us. "I was... I mean... we... were teasing..." Mom gestured to halt, her eyes keenly observing our actions.

"It better be so," her eyes yelling she wasn't convinced. My sweating palms, a hesitating voice wasn't helping in any manner. I wasn't a good liar! "You might be getting late for the event." We both nodded vigorously feeling we had only that way out. Samaira stood from the bed in rush, making her way out of the room. I was going to follow her but mom grabbed my elbow, stopping me on my way.

My breath hitched, sweat forming on my forehead. Damn! How could I believe mom could let me escape so easily? I took in a deep breath!

"Ru, you're aware these are some precious years of your life." I nodded not turning to glance at her. I was afraid to let her sense my fear. I wasn't a fan of lying and hated whenever I did it. It made me so guilty but I had no other option. Sometimes covering it with a lie was far better than facing it with the truth.

"I know, mom." I slightly nodded in agreement.

"Ru," her voice slightly lowering as if she was hesitating to voice it further. "I wanted to have the conversation with you from long back but often put it for tomorrow, thinking it wasn't the right moment. You weren't at the right age. But seeing the sequence happening and your tense dad last night, I think the conversation is necessary." I slowly turned to glance at mom. Her last statement grabbed my attention. Dad was stressed, why?

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