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"Why was Zara thanking me for Varun?" I questioned as we were moving in the corridor towards the auditorium. Varun and Anuj had joined us and now Samaira and Varun were lagging behind, engrossed with each other. I was accompanied by Anuj.

"Maybe because you were the reason..." I stared at him doubtfully. "Varun mentioned that Samaira's small argument with you made her realise she was acting silly on expecting him to cut off from his friend. So indirectly you were the reason behind Varun walking back to us." He reasoned though it seemed illogical, yet I gave a slight nod.

Soon Samaira and Varun matched with our pace. "Hey, AJ..." she called him out. "I hope you don't mind if I call you that?" She inquired. Anuj just brushed it off. "Why do you act so cold over Ruhi's friendship with Rudr?" I widen my eyes. How could she directly ask him about it?

"If you are having any doubts that I am interested in your best friend, it isn't true." And he blurted out as well.

"Yes! Samy, I told you. Anuj had no interest in getting into a relationship." Varun reasoning it to her.

"But why he behaved so..."

"Because I am concerned about her and I don't want her to interact with anyone as dangerous as him."

"Same goes to your gang as well. She should stop talking to you then." Anuj narrowed his eyes at her at that comment. Surely, it was correct but he wasn't appreciating that remark.

"Isn't your girlfriend way direct. She will be annoying to handle."

"Ehaan's mention the same about me." I protested as he was judging my best friend. Samaira had a smirk playing on her lips, for some reason Anuj bond with me made her insecurities rise up. Maybe we mostly had mutual friends and they both weren't getting along.

"Don't be offended, he says the same about me sometimes." He engulfed his hand around my shoulder dragging me away from the rest two. "Your best friend will be so annoying to be handled in the group." I glared at him as he repeated his words back, hitting on his chest trying to wriggle from his grip.

"Don't say it again..." He smiled seeing me mad, weren't they supposed to be scared of me?

"Or..." He challenged.


"Ruhi!" Came an exclaimed voice of Rudr. The grip on my shoulder tighten, I stared at Anuj suspiciously. What was it with Anuj and his displeased attitude towards Rudr?

"Hi!" I managed an awkward smile as Rudr stared between us both. His face screaming, he wasn't appreciating the closeness I was having with Anuj. What was it with everyone around me and their overprotectiveness? We had entered the auditorium and everyone's eyes were on me. Associating with the popular gang of college and nearly accepting them close to friends had provided me with uninvited attention. Slowly I was coming to accept it, though it made me conscious at times.

"Finally, the most awaited person arrived." Came a mocking welcome of Mia. I ignored her. I had learned to overlook her insulting remark. It wasn't that I couldn't pay her back but I opted not to spoil my mood.

"Finally, you had accepted that she is the most awaited one." Anuj bounced back, spreading a smile on my lip. I could always count on him for it. Slowly dragging me along with him on the raised platform, we labelled stage. Rudr was displeased by Anuj such behaviour yet he faked a smile at me.

"Don't you think, it was rude?" I questioned him, disappointed with his stern attitude towards Rudr.

"I don't think so," he replied acting his ignorant self.

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