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"AJ please don't..." Aarav was going to inject, but he was paused.

"I will! You fucking moron had lost your senses." He growled at the two friends. I wasn't planning to witness a war between them. I closed my eyes in tiredness, pressing my forehead in exhaustion. As I turned to glance at them.

"They hadn't but you!" Snapped Mia, her eyes glaring at Anuj. I was displeased with the attitude she was offering Anuj as if frustrated with him jumping in the conversation.

"Mia, you better stay out of this." Anuj was offering Mia a look that yelled he wasn't in a mood to take her any nonsense.

"She won't!" Backed Ehaan. "What is it up with you? Why are you going against us? It isn't like we ever acted fair, and it isn't like you are sane yourself. Stop acting innocent Anuj, we are aware none of us is!" His eyes blazing fire as if frustrated with Anuj standing up against him.

"Finally, you claim you never was fair!" Came an ignited response from Rudr. "That was the reason my guts never trusted you. That was the reason I needed to protect my small sister from your bad intentions but she never listen to me." His eyes imprinted on Mia, "I never knew I would dislike my own baby girl." His eyes radiating revulsion, emptiness, displeasure. The emotions were so different from the ones I viewed in the cafeteria. Those hazel blue orbs had adoration, concern, fear of losing her. Maybe that fear was real! Maybe he had lost his baby girl.

"Bro..." She was going to open her mouth but Rudr gestured her to stop.

"You always claimed that you could never choose between us but much to your surprise Mia, you chose. You chose him over me at each given situation and the worse part is I let you choose." His expression was hard, his jaw clenched. His orbs radiating some upcoming devastating storm or were it a silence? Pure silence as if a storm had lost its force. "I let you..." he sounded broken yet his strong exterior shouted he was furious. His clenched jaw, tighten lip, furious orbs yet I could feel he was holding himself. He was hating the feeling overlapping his heart. The feeling of disliking his sister, the one maybe he had treasured the most.

Maybe I wasn't the only person that noticed it. Kunal standing next to him placed a hand on his shoulder. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. The exhaustion, tiredness was all visible. So, I wish to calm him down, but I stood there without moving an inch.

"I am not understanding why are we exaggerating this?" Aarav expressed his displeasure. "Things are decided let's start..."

"Nothing is decided! You can't just bring people in and out of the competition according to your convenience." Rudr expressed his fury. His eyes fuming fire at Aarav, which make Aarav clench his jaw tight. "The participated members have right as well to decide who will stay and who will not."

"Are you going to choose her over your sister?" Came a mocking response from Ehaan, he seemed startled. So was I! Rudr such constant support was scaring me. I don't deserve it! Mia's stay was more important than mine, she was a better dancer than me.

"Do you think, she can compete with Mia?" Aarav dried a laugh finding it unbelievable. "She had wrapped you in the tip of her fingers." He commented at the end.

"Surely she can compete in loyalty," Rudr muttered, a pride overlapping his hazel orbs.

"In hard work..." Jointed Zara, a small smile playing.

"In patience..." Varun muttered.

"In innocence..." Anuj remarked and I couldn't help the smile playing on my lips.

"In determination..." whispered Samaira.

"Those qualities are not needed to win the competition." Aarav remarked, rolling his eyes.

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