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With a large grin playing on my lips, I swung around. Suspecting every angle and sighing in annoyance. The dress wasn't fitting me well! I wasn't fond of dressing up. I never took extra afford to look stunning. Yet I never appreciated looking like a zombie and every eye landing on me, their mocking eyes insulting me.

I huffed! I was correct. No dress could fit me. Why was I so slim? Yelling in frustration, I glared at my figure in the mirror. It was a dress, reaching below my knee. The cloth was sleeveless, neck seemed deep. But it was getting loose near my breast. Whose cloth was it? Maybe one of his friends... I shook my head, he had numerous amount of friends as well as girlfriends. And why was it bothering me? It wasn't like I didn't know it before I decided to get connected with him.

"Ru!" a yell came from downstairs. Wait! What? "We are ending up late! Come on!" It was Samaira. I shook my head, sparing a last glance before leaving the room.

Shit! I regraded the minute I stepped out of the room. The darkness surrounding me wasn't pleasing! It could flash all the dangerous movies or shows seen back in the mind. Ruhi! Calm down! I kept murmuring to myself but it didn't feel any better. I needed to distract my mind. I took small steps forward. Slowly the conversation happening downstairs fell on my ears.

"Why?" I heard an annoying voice.

"Isn't it obvious?" I heard an Ehaan's frustrated voice. "None want's me in the team." His voice was plain.

"Miss Veronica isn't hosting the tournament, you shouldn't be bothered..." Anuj was trying to convince him, urge him for the match. Wasn't he planning to play? I thought he wasn't provided with the opportunity but seemed like, he was rejecting it. This attitude wasn't going to help him in any manner. I shook my head, wanting to listen more. Slowly descending the stairs.

"Bro, it could end up into an opportunity to get back into the team." Varun provided me with further information. "Coach will be present. he will get to know what's your importance to the team. Moreover! Rudr won't be present to complicate the situation. He won't be able to manipulate people against you." I frowned, what did he mean? Did Rudr have any hands in knocking Ehaan out of the football team? Maybe as he was chosen the next captain.

"Rudr isn't going to play?" Ehaan asked, suddenly getting curious. His action shouted that it was unlikely of Rudr to skip the match.

"Yes! He is busy," Anuj rolled his eyes. "So, I am chosen as captain." Ehaan provided a slight nod, his brows frowned. He was lost in thoughts suddenly he spoke with a moment of silence.

"What about Aarav? Isn't he coming?" He interrogated, Anuj shrugged his shoulder. His eyes wandered around and later spread into a sad smile.

"You know... He isn't in a condition." Ehaan nodded in understanding. "Zara's aloofness isn't fitting well with him." He voiced and I was astonished by the new piece of information. I had a doubt about Zara cutting off from her friend but getting confirmed made me sad. I stared at the boys keenly, they were hurt within though opted not to showcase it openly. What could be the cause of the trouble? Was it the video?

"Ruhi!" I heard a sign as I found Samaira standing on the stairs, hugging me from behind. "Man! What kind of horror mansion is this?" She was shivering while her eyes were staring up in a nervous stare. "Man! For once I felt I was living one of the horror movies..." I couldn't help from the giggle escaping from my throat.

"How dare you walked upstairs?" A loud growl echoed around the living room. The shiver ran down my spine, Samaira hiding more behind me. The cold arms nuzzled into me more. She was shaken by the previous scenario but Ehaan's loud growl made it worse.

"Ehaan... she didn't know..." Varun was trying to defend Samaira but his eyes were trained on us. Or maybe trained on Samaira who was hiding behind me. Ehaan took a determined step towards us, Varun was attempting to halt him on the way. "Ehaan, try to listen. She is unknown to the fact that you don't like anyone walking upstairs..." Varun was pleading with him, panic taking control over him. He was afraid of all the things he could punish Samaira with. I knew he could be so cruel-hearted at times!

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