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"What did you just called me?" His brown orbs narrowing at me as I had jerked his hand away.

"Selfish, arrogant monster," I repeated my words, paying emphasis on each word. Eyes glancing at him once again, folding my arms around my chest in utter annoyance. "You just care about your pride. What about your friends? Do you have any idea how worried everyone is? Maybe you loved the prison, but we don't." I glared at him, trying to act as intimidating as him.

His eyes showered with amusement, later changing into adoration. I groaned in irritation, stamping my foot in frustration. He wasn't taking my words seriously. Getting pissed at him, I wanted to walk out of his room. He had returned home safely. I could walk back home without any worry, but as I took a step forward, he grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going?" He demanded.

"Home," I announced.

"And may I know, why?" His awful question compelled me to face him again. The earlier adoration replaced with annoyance. It was beyond my thinking capacity how sudden swift of mood was possible?

"To have a party." Came my sarcastic reply combined with exasperation. He glared at me but suddenly tugged me closer. His grip on my wrist providing him with an aid.

Due to his sudden moment I bumped into his chest, our face inches away from each other. His intense eyes driving deep into my soul. I averted my gaze not able to hold his such intensity. His hand moving from my wrist towards my waist, holding me on the position. His head slowly leaning down from my forehead towards my neck. Those warm breath sending shiver down my every inch. His grip on my waist holding me closer to him. He wasn't planning to leave me any time sooner.

As his face nuzzled in my neck, breathing my scent. My heart accelerating at the highest speed. It scared me that my heart might jump out of my ribs. "Can we keep this argument for some other day. I don't have enough energy left for a debate." He confessed, inhaling my scent. "I need some amount of peace after the overwhelming day." He grunted, "please don't oppose it." As if he wasn't deciding for me yet I kept quiet letting him win for once.

I knew it hadn't ended up into a wonderful day for him. "I need you to calm my senses." He whispered in my ears before pressing a kiss on my earlobe. Thousands of emotions erupt from my stomach. It was scary as his mere touch had enormous effect on me.


The rays emerging from the curtain  in the room, brightening it up. I groaned wanting to nuzzle my face further into the pillow but a strong arm around my stomach wasn't helping me to move an inch. I grumbled slowly rubbing my eyes in displeasure. I hate mornings! But instead of meeting with my vacant room was offered dark brown orbs. Those beautiful piece of creation staring into me as if I was the most interesting creation in the world.

I widen my eyes on remembering that I had ended up sleeping in his arms last night. "The view I would love to start my day with..." he muttered. His voice gruff due to waking up come minutes back. But his feature yelled he was fully awake, the huge smirk playing on his lip. How come everyone around me was early bird?

He leaned his head forward pressing a kiss on my forehead. Later pulling me against his chest, I closed my eyelid in peace. I loved my sleep! But my phone rang forcing me to pull away from his grip but he didn't let me budge.

"Ehaan..." I scowled wanting to glance at the caller.

He sighed raising his arm which were caressing my hair. He raised himself a little and soon the ringtone was getting clear. Slowly loosening his grip but not withdrawing his hand from my waist. He moved his arm forward so I could glance at the caller. It was mom, maybe she was calling to wake me up. I had school! I rolled my eyes in defeat.

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