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I pulled myself away from him, getting from my bed as well as him. He seemed covered with his uniform as well. I wanted to interrogate that how he entered my room but before I could voice a word, he uttered.

"Angel isn't trying to view the world as a whole. She is evaluating the ways it's affecting her from within but failing to glance at what her presence has on the world around her. She is aware that the world isn't the most beautiful place for a soul so pure to exist. But still, her presence makes the world believe in kindness, in the stars that shine in the dark sky. The moon that offers light to the deepest corners of the world. She makes the devil believe in brightens, in hope. That night would pass and a day would shine. She provides him with a sense of peace, a ray of hope, a world filled with love." Ehaan's word choked at the end, averting his eyes from mine for the first time after he had opened it.

A sudden wave of emotion flew into my heart. The need to rush to him and make him believe I wanted to be the ray of hope, the world that he craved from within. Yet my mind was jumbled with so many thoughts. I needed to find a solution, I needed to think about it properly. I couldn't let my heart drive me because I knew it won't turn up a good decision. I would be soon showered with more truth about him and once again I would feel like running away from him. He needed to trust me enough that he could express, unbottle all his past before I made any move towards him. If he wanted me to end up with him, he had to unfold all his secrets.

"At least, the devil needs to be real in front of the angel..." I whispered, turning away and finding some clothes from the wardrobe to change into. "He needs to trust with his past, concealing truth would only..." before I could complete, my elbow was held tightly. Pulling me towards the wall, my back hitting the hard texture roughly. I gasped in pain my eyes locked with those brown fierce orbs. His finger dug into my soft skin.

"Not when those orbs are radiating they had believed the manipulator. The explanation is of no use if the person had already trusted a narration." Indirectly claiming my trust in Rudr. His face fuming in fury, but orbs radiating agony. My heart sank realising his words. I hadn't shown enough trust in him that made him never narrate his justification? But I always thought, he wasn't interested in voicing a word out.

"I had asked you I had questioned you..." I was going to voice my explanation but he pulled himself from me. His eyes averting from me, staring straight. His jaw clenched hand fisted in anger. I was trying to control my ragged breathing, the abnormal effect his proximity had on me.

"It wasn't questioning but accusing." He uttered not meeting my eyes. A sudden wave of guilt crossed my spirit. Had I behaved so cruel? My eyes kept staring at him, his muscles tightening. His jaw clenching and unclenching. "It would be better if we act professionally. I am here to tutor you, let's carry with it." He muttered, walking from me towards the study table. Removing a book and engrossing in reading it.

It took me a minute to register it. Slowly collecting myself and pulling the first dress I could find in my wardrobe, I walked towards my washroom. Taking a few minutes to prepare myself. I walked out of it, dressed in a set of pyjamas and a t-shirt. Fortunately, it was a simple one with no cartoon character imprinted.

Ehaan was still absorbed in the book. Hesitating I walked towards the study table. My determination to not allow him as my tutor slowly faded away due to the newly developed guilt built inside. Though it won't make him any less culprit. He was to blame for triggering someone to that extreme that the person found suicide as the only option left.

"I had asked mom not to call you again," I uttered holding my posture stern. He overlooked my words. I faked a cough trying to grab his attention. It was getting embarrassing, why did he have to make me so self-conscious around him? "I am not in a need of a tutor."

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