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"And later Mr Jones..." And like the past few days, I zoned off. My eyes fixed on Samaira, her round mouth moving in a rhythmic pattern. Those black orbs shining in enthusiasm as she was sharing one of the delighting parts of her favourite show. Latterly she had grown obsessed too, reaching to a point to force Varun to watch it as well. I couldn't erase the horror-stricken face of Varun while Samaira asked him to narrate the episode he claimed had watched. You could never lie to her!

I chuckled, rewinding those scenarios in my mind. Samaira passed me an annoyed mixed with a suspicious gaze. "You weren't listening?" She sounded offended, but before I could justify my action. She continued, "what was it that made you laugh?" Her orbs raising in curiousness.

"Nothing of your concern." I brush it off.

"From when you started keeping secrets from me?" She faked her dramatic self.

"From the day, you started concealing from me." I countered back, making the conversation take a tense turn. I hadn't forgotten the outburst Samaira had on knowing I had hidden the news of getting locked in the library along with Ehaan. She had even questioned my loyalty and friendship towards her.

I noticed her avoiding a glance at me. "Ru... I had promised..." I stood up from the chair. Not desiring to listen to her clarification from the hundred times from the past two weeks. It had been two weeks from the friendship day and like a filmy script, our friendship was on the verge to shatter. The only person I was having a decent conversation was with Samaira and Varun.

Everything was perfectly fine until I came to realise that Samaira was keeping a piece of information to herself. And that information had to do with the past of the bad gang. I hated the fact that each one around me had a clue of it but I was kept in dark. I huffed in annoyance, grabbing a last piece of french-fries from the plate before me.

Samaira was peeping at me with pleading eyes, she seemed exhausted as me. Our conversation often ended up into a small argument. I knew she was in no control of the events but I couldn't stop myself from reacting the way I did. It made me feel betrayed, it made me feel that people around me weren't trusting me with their past. They doubted my loyalty. The only trait of mine, I was proud of. My loyalty!

"Ru, please..." She requested.

"Samy, I don't have any grudges against you. It just I am not able to deal with this..." I attempted to explain but again my sensitive heart had to bounce in. A threatening tear urged me to walk off before it was displayed to her.

I rushed off from the huge crowd in the cafeteria. My mind fogging around all the recent events happening in my life. I was mentally exhausted, physically drained as well. The latest incidents had forced my mind off studies. Mom wasn't pleased with the result and my mathematics professor had fueled it. I groan in exasperation; all were after me!

As I was so engrossed in cursing everyone in my life. I banged with something, strong. My head spun in response.  Due to my spinning as I backed to glance at my source of doubt. I was on the verge to stumble on the floor. Grabbing my head tightly as I experienced the huge pain. No migraine please! God, couldn't act so cruel towards me.

I sensed large arms around my waist. Realising I was in the corridor, probably banging into one of the guys. I opened my eyes preparing myself for annoyed, scowling orbs and opening my mouth for an apologising. Surely, I was pissing the person off. Much to my amazement, I met with dark brown orbs. Deep down I felt content on finally getting a glance of it.

It wasn't like he had missed classes. He was present but had attempted his level best to overlook my presence. I was waiting for a curse, a yell or anything humiliating but I met with deep, comforting silence. His eyes weren't leaving me for a second, holding me captive. Those brown orbs could grab the attention of my eyes as well as my soul.

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