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His muscles clutched and soon the blankness showered his face as he pulled himself from me. As he moved, I could glance at people before us. A very unpleased hazel orb staring between me and Ehaan. His orbs radiated revulsion as they locked with mine. His facial expression changed to the one of exasperation as he pulled his orbs away from me.

"What was that?" Kunal sounded stunned. He stared at me, amazed, fixing his gaze on Ehaan. "I don't understand what girls see in you," he seemed disgusted as he voiced it out. "You have mastered in breaking hearts," he mumbled. His eyes diverted to Rudr in concern.

Rudr had kept his eyes planted on Ehaan, the storm radiating from his hazel orbs. Different emotions overlap one another as if attempting to have dominance. "You piece of shit!" He growled loudly, stepping towards Ehaan with long strikes. "Fucking how dare you?" He was fuming in anger, frustration, and something else. He grabbed Ehaan's collar tightly, and Ehaan wasn't any sane to let him. Ehaan's hand clenched his shirt tight.

Though I had spent nearly a month with them but hadn't witnessed any fight between the two. But had heard enough rumours about it, I was shivering in fear. Kunal stood at the corner, glaring at Ehaan, not at all attempting to stop them. Both vultures were staring at one another with hungry, storming eyes. As if they were waiting to jab the head away. The hate prevailing in their heart radiating from their orbs. I wasn't convinced when they claim about hating one another but no longer had any doubt.

Rudr punched on Ehaan's jaw, causing his face to move with the pressure. I gasped seeing a slight hint of blood oozing from his lips. Ehaan's fisted his wrist on Rudr jaw and the sequence was repeated. I took a step towards them trying to halt them. "Please stop..." it came as a mere whisper as the terrifying feeling wasn't leaving me. I was scared seeing their anger towards one another. They no longer seemed the sweet human beings, monsters! Craving for the blood of one another. It wasn't mere teenager rivalry something deep was hidden inside. I couldn't pinpoint what was it?

"Stop destroying my sister life, with your tricks!" He roared at him.

"I have no interest in your sister, she is the one who doesn't get enough of me." Knocking a punch at him.

"Stop playing with innocent hearts! They don't deserve your revenge." He muttered gritting his teeth in exasperation, his hand finding his way towards his neck. "Stop tugging my rights!" At each word, Rudr eyes darken something rarely seen in those orbs. Those hazel orbs darkened into something dangerous, his lip pressing into a line as if attempting to control his overpowering, aggression. "Stop overpowering me in everything! Stop attacking my choices!" The grip on Ehaan's neck was tightening, the emerging nerves could be seen in Rudr muscles, he was pulling his whole strength.

A minute back when I was speaking about them hungry for each other blood, for a second I thought I was exaggerating it but on seeing Ehaan's face pale, and lip turning to slight purplish, his hand reaching for Rudr's neck may be an attempt to free himself from his solid grip. Caused a sign of urgency maybe Kunal noticed the same as he moved beside Rudr, asking him to leave but he was least affected by his cries.

I jumped in on seeing Ehaan's face, turning white. He was in urgent need of oxygen. "Rudr stop it!" His eyes lingered at me for a second before further tightening his grip, for the first time I heard Ehaan's small groan. It seemed that he was forcing himself not to look weak before Rudr, that small noise got Rudr to smirk. I couldn't help but feel disenchanted with the view before me. Was he rejoicing with the view before him? Was he pleased with himself because he was on the verge of killing someone? I diverted my gaze back at Ehaan his eyes on the verge of shutting down.

Anxiety raising in my heart, some unknown feeling emerging inside me. The fear of something happening to him! The fear of him being dead! The fear of not helping him to survive. And without a second thought, I bit the hand on Ehaan's neck. My eyes fixed on Ehaan, pressing my teeth as much as possible in the hard skin before me. And slowly the grip loosen. I heard a small growling in anger and frustration. I was least bothered with it as my eyes remain in contact with the exhausted orbs of dark brown ones. His eyes lids on the verge of closing, as his body slid down the ground. A sudden plight covered my senses, a tear flowing down my cheek. I never knew he held such value to me! I never felt such broken ever!

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