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Samaira, towards the entire journey, was looking out of the door, lost in thoughts. I knew the earlier behaviour was an outcome of something troubling her but wasn't sure whether should I confront her or provide her with space. Enjoying the ride with silence, I analysed that a day was full of dramas. The one I experience an entire year! Was doubting to participate going to be worse decision of mine?

I was brought out of thought as the car came to a halt and I realised we had reached. Samaira wasn't leaving in a small house like ours, I would rather call it a mansion. It was bigger and one of those seen in movies. Not only larger, but the exterior had a taste with beautiful colour coordinating the building.

Samaira got out followed by me, she passed me a smile. "Welcome to my mini-fairy land." She wink, it was her routine to speak those words out whenever I visited her place. On my first visit to her place, I had described it as something like a fairy-tale mansion. Yes! I was in books and movies as a kid. My favourite pastime!

I giggled as we entered the familiar hallway entering the living area. I never had seen it messy, every particular object was kept in its place. Not a dirt covering the white marble flooring, I always was extra cautious never to dirty it with my muddy shoes. It felt so precious even to touch an object yet Samaira always tried to make me feel at home. The only place I was comfortable in the entire mansion was her room. And she knew it, so we directly made our way towards the destination.

Glancing if anyone was present but apart from the staff in the kitchen, who passed a smile at me. None was in her mansion, as we climbed upstairs and got into the room. She neatly placed her backpack on the desk and I followed her action.

"So?" I initiated the conversation. She raised her brow in confusion, "want to talk?" She denied it but a minute later laid on the bed and I did the same, I knew she was making herself comfortable to speak.

"I don't know... I didn't like the way Varun behaved." She shrugged her shoulder pulling the nearest pillow to her chest. "I had never seen him in such a way." She confessed I could agree with her. "He never took a word against him, I am not much aware of his school life yet I know him as my neighbour. He was always the naughty child who ended up in trouble due to his 'not taking any nonsense' nature." Only one emotion was raising from her soft voice, confusion. She wasn't angry that he didn't stand for her or him, she wasn't sad either but confused by his behaviour.

"Maybe there was something more, maybe we are taking it in a wrong manner. Maybe it wasn't out with fear or respect rather understanding..." I suggested. We knew nothing about their bond, I knew nothing about them as person. I had never talked to Varun, to know him that well. If we had the least clue, how could we judge them? Yes! We were wounded with Ehaan's words but not like he was someone whose words would bother us. He was a stranger and often stranger spoke rubbish things.

"Hmm... I guess we should stop thinking about it." She ordered, getting up from the bed. "Let's complete the homework and later we will watch one of our favourite movies." Her suggestion exciting me as well, and both with enthusiasm completed the homework, gifting ourselves with beautiful movie and ending it with an amazing dinner prepared by Samaira's cook. I had received calls from my parents and they informed me about them getting engrossed in important work.

As we carried upstairs, I questioned Samaira. "Your brother isn't present?" As none had joined us in the table. It was us! Such a big table and only two occupying the place, made it feel awkward.

"You know about his mid-night visit and hearing scold from mom. But he won't change," she shook her head. "It's always me having dinner that's the reason I take it in my room. It feels less awkward than sitting in the large dining area." She was sounding sad their mention could disappear her carefree attitude.

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