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I was massaging my forehead after a series of lectures I had attended. Our syllabus was on the verge of ending. Teachers were busy preparing us for the coming pre-board, mentioning which section should be focused on more. I was zone-out from the conversation happening at the table. They were busy discussing about the sudden shift in the football tournament. They had pre-ponded the football tournament due to our upcoming examination.

The final was decided for tomorrow. Anuj and Aarav, along with Varun, were groaning at the latest piece of information, announced by the couch.

"Why do they take matches so lightly?" Varun hissed in displeasure. "Footballs are necessary for the nation as a whole. What if we end up with no football players at the end?" I could sense a glare emitting his direction, but I opted to shut my eyes in exhaustion.

Suddenly the chair beside me was pulled and I felt a shadow towering over me. Not having enough energy, I opted to ignore his arrival. "Here..." his hand wrapping around my shoulder. And my glasses were placed on the table. I pouted not wanting to wear those spectacles before the wonderful crowd. They would offer me a curious gaze and would confirm that I was a nerd.

I groaned on finding his icy gaze towards me. I raised my head to glance at his glare. I pleaded with him through my eyes but he wasn't melting. "You are having a migraine." He gritted his teeth.

"I am not!" I argued back, "it's a mere headache." Not accepting the truth.

He grabbed the glasses from the table, pulling them towards my face. "Don't test my patience..." he was shooting daggers. "Or are you planning to consume those deadly tablets?" He warned, I huffed in annoyance grabbing the glasses from him and wearing them.

As I looked away from him with utter annoyance my eyes were caught with some grinning, suspicious orbs. Our friends had halted their debate and were focussing on us. A pink shade engulfed my spirit the second I discovered their eyes on me, slowly I lowered my gaze. Concentrating on the fingers on my lap rather than directly staring at those curious orbs.

I heard a growl and soon those orbs shifted from us. But suddenly Samaira called me, forcing me to glance at her.

"Ruhi!" She yelled extra loud. "I need your help..." as she stood from her chair walking towards me. "Come," she was on the verge of grabbing my wrist.

"She won't!" Came an authoritative answer on my behalf. My eyes widen though my head was screaming for rest yet I could feel Samaira getting disheartened by his response.

"I will!" I muttered, staring at Samaira. Standing from my chair but my wrist was pulled from another side.

"Don't act foolishly." He warned through his rage figure. His grip tightened on my wrist. "You're on the verge of having a migraine, you need rest." He commended I overlooked his advice trying to loosen his grip over mine. My constant attempt to escape from his grip and ignore him further triggered his anger.

He stood from the table, pulling my wrist to him. As a result, my face met with his chest. The sudden pull further triggered the pain. I moaned in pain and soon his finger lifted my chin up. "Why do you punish yourself?" His voice was soft as a murmur and his eyes were annoyed with my behaviour. "Fucking! I hate fighting with you..." he groaned, cupping my face.

"And still you do..." I hissed, trying to budge from his solid grip around my waist.

"You force me to..." He muttered our lips inches away from one another. Those dark brown orbs radiate the adoration, he holds for me. I forced myself from smiling at him. He needed to know. I was mad at him.

"Damn! They look so hot together..." I heard a comment from Aarav making me self-conscious.

I attempted to pull from his grip but it was impossible. "Leave me," I groaned.

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