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Silence passed without a word exchanged among them. Anuj, who wasn't keeping his mouth shut a minute back, was staring Ehaan straight. The person still stood behind me, the girl beside him- who I came to be known as Zara. Was darting her gaze from her one friend to another. The situation screamed they were in deep trouble and unknowingly I too.

"Ehaan, it's nothing like it looks... we were just..." Zara somehow managed to utter those words but was halted by Ehaan.

"Zara, please don't jump into it." He was trying hard to maintain his calm. "Anuj, we need to speak." With those words, he turned, as I could hear his fainted footsteps. I was gazing at the ground, not wanting to meet with anyone's eyes. Somewhere, maybe I was the reason behind his anger.

"Miss innocent, we will meet back soon." Anuj joyful voice was back. I jerked my head to glance at him. It seemed as if he wasn't the same guy who was staring at his friend seriously a few minutes back. As if Ehaan wasn't on the verge of killing him.

"Have you lost it!" Zara shook her head in exasperation. "Walk off before he comes battling after you," Zara pushed him while he moved passing the last wink at me. What was it with bad boys and wink? What they found amazing in it? It was so annoying! I rolled my eyes nothing, in particular, I was exhausted with the drama all in one day. I needed a break!

"You better stay away from my friends," Zara warned, her eyes shooting daggers. Yeah, this was remaining! As if I was dying to get involved with them. I didn't repeat it loud not in a mood for more dramas, I had already more enemies without attempting. Wasn't bothering to add one more.

"Let's start with the practice," came the same girl assisting me with the moves. I would be worthy of her as soon Zara left our side and I got engrossed in the steps. Dancing had a certain magic, a certain charm that as I got engrossed in it. I would forget the world around me.

"Hmm... now that you know the sequence of steps, let's try with music?" She suggested. I nodded in agreement. Half of the auditorium was empty. The few helping me with steps was left behind maybe others went on break. I shook my head trying to concentrate on the steps I had been taught, desiring not to make any mistake on the way. "Let's do it on stage... it will help you to understand your real position." I didn't argue as it would help me not to be a laugh in front of Ehaan. I needed to sharpen myself before I had to again encounter him. Maybe deep down my ego was hurt by his humiliation and though the logical side of me knew that I could never match him in dance yet the unlogical, insane part of me wanted to prove him wrong. Show him, I knew what dancing means!

Maybe somewhere I was proud of my dancing, maybe not brilliant but I enjoyed doing it. That what matters, right? At least for me its does.

"Start the music!" Everyone took their position. I too turned facing towards the backstage. Slowly the music started, the rhythmic tune blasting. I closed my eyes taking in a slow breath, heart beating loud. I shook my head, it always was the case before starting and once the music fill my senses I was out of the world.

A reason for loving dance was that I could express myself freely through it. While dancing, I wasn't even bothered if people were seeing, glancing, passing comments or anything. I was least bothered about their existence. It felt as if I was free, free from every trouble, every worry. My body swing on the tune, slowly turning myself and facing the audience. None was present except for Mia, sitting on the first row. I looked away from her not desiring to spoil the moment due to her. Eyes trained on the last seat, a smile playing on my lip. I was enjoying it. Every bit of it!

Lip singing every part of lyrics, an amazing song was chosen. I was glad, I was getting an opportunity to dance on such a piece of art. And soon the steps taught finished! I was amazed that I hadn't forgotten a step, I stopped smiling wide. Waiting for Princy, to point any mistake I committed on the way.

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