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"You know, how worried your parents sounded?" Samaira was repeating the same words as we walked in the corridors.

"You can't blame me for it," I argued, as we turned towards the cafeteria.

"I am not blaming just saying." She shrugged her shoulders.  "I guess, they were on the verge of filling a missing complaint." I shook my head, a result of an overprotective parent. They had called my class teacher and Mrs Gupta had inquired about it in front of the entire classroom. Things couldn't turn less embarrassing!

"How you got locked in the library? I thought you were smart enough not to repeat the mistake protagonist did in novels and movies." She giggled, coming back to her jolly self.

"I should blame history assignment for it." She laughed at my response. "You completed it?" I got concerned as the due date was the next day. I hadn't started apart from a few pieces of research I managed on the previous day.

"Almost completed!"

"You can't do that to me." I faked a cry, as we entered the cafeteria. "How am I supposed to complete twenty pages of essay on a historical event?" Sounding how unsure I was!

"What is your topic?"

"Partition!" I had decided on the topic the minute professor had announced the assignment. After the independence struggle, partition had always been an interesting topic for me. I could relate to how a grudge between two religious had destroyed thousands of lifes! It fascinated me to understand their pain, worries, suffering.

"Hey, girls!" I heard a call and soon arms engulfed around my shoulder. "How are you doing?" He inquired looking at me first and then at Samaira.

"Fine..." I whispered on Samaira's behalf. She pressed a smile at him, their encounter hadn't gone pleasing.

"You reached home on time?" I gave him a slight nod.

"How was the birthday celebration?" I inquired, feeling a need to continue the conversation further. I wanted Samaira to get along with Anuj. He was a better human so unlike his friend.

"Birthdays are always best!" He chuckled, "but granny's birthday had to turn awesome." He paused rewinding the events in his head. "You need to meet her, she is such a nice human being. I always say it, Ehaan is lucky to have her. She is the best granny anyone could wish for." He uttered, grin not leaving his face, those dimples popping out. Surely, he admired that lady.

There was silence for a second as the queue moved a little. "So, Ruhi you're coming for the football match?" I turned to look at him, stunned.

What! match? When?

"Don't look at me in such a manner. There is going to be a tournament, each year it happens. Maybe you're not aware but I am the school best football player though Ehaan won't agree with it." I rolled my eyes at his self-praising session. "So, as Zara calls you. My new friend, you're attending it." His voice determined, raising a brow if I would oppose.

"I can't come..."

"You can bring your friend along with you." He interrupted, "she will provide you with a company."

"That's not the problem. I need to submit my history assignment and I can't..." Again, I was interrupted by him.

"See Ruhi, you can't do that with me. I am your friend don't you consider me one? I need your cheering, please." He was pleading, indirectly eyeing at some direction. I frowned, glancing in the direction. Varun was present along with his friend, busy with his snacks. While Aarav and Zara were staring in our direction, Ehaan was busy having conversations with Mia. Unlike before she wasn't sitting at another table but with them, fully engrossed in each other.

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