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He heard it, his shoulder upright, his head held high. His hand crumbled into a ball. He wanted to mask himself once again, but I won't let it happen. "Walk off!" He hissed, but I was determined not to leave him.

"Never!" My words came as a whisper, yet it reached him. He turned, his brown scary eyes met mine. The blackness surrounded it, but for a second it washed off, allowing me to glance at the devastated, shattered human inside. But he pulled his face away.

I took a two-step forward, leaving an inch gap between us. "I said, fucking get lost!" He yelled, torturing his throat.

It infuriated me, his cold behaviour. He was so complicated to understand. One minute he would go all soft and suddenly burst on me. "I hadn't landed myself here! So, stop yelling at me as if I am the reason." I bounced on him. Silence prevailed around us, maybe taken aback by my response.

"I will ask Anuj to pick you up..." I wanted to yell at him. Shout at his coldness!

"What the hell!" I grabbed his elbow, forcing him to face me. I wasn't aware of where this confidence clouded me. Maybe the bottled up feeling from so long was overpowering my senses. "What's wrong with you?" My eyes brimming in tears. His aloofness was hurting me from within though I wanted to overlook it. "Why do you keep on doing it to me?" I looked straight into his dark brown orbs, a drop of tear escaping from the corner. "You make me believe you hold a heart but later crushes mine such frequently that it hurts to believe you hold one," I confessed aspiring to find a hint of adoration in those orbs but they were blank.

"We are two different worlds. Meeting would only end up destroying us." He voiced, his thumbs slowly caressing my cheek. I closed my eyes, leaning to his touch. "What's normal for me is a sin to you. We can't end up together angel..." He uttered making me jerk open my eyes. I knew he was correct. He was acting practically so unlike him. His words indicated, his concern towards me. I was the one who wanted to end up in a secure relationship, no time-pass. Yet I couldn't let him leave.

"I don't care! For once, I want to fly like a free bird not caring if I would fall." My words let a small grin cross his spirit.

"You won't fall, I would be always there to pick you up." With the smirk lapping his lip, I couldn't help but smile back at him. We stood there staring into each other eyes. It seemed as if he wanted my approval.  Not allowing worries, questions to pass my spirit. Just drowning into his black orbs, suddenly I realised how much familiar his eyes were to me. Those orbs had troubled me for so long and were going to torture me in future as well.

Suddenly a devilish glint crossed his orbs, I frowned in suspiciousness. What was he up to? "Yesterday, we had left the game in mid. Let's continue..." the grin not leaving his face. I could sense he was up with something. "I was next!" He uttered, grabbing my waist and pulling me close towards him.

"What are you doing..." I was going to oppose, but he silenced me with a finger on my lip.

He leaned close, accelerating my heart. We were breathing the same air. His orbs lowered and stared at my lip. My breath hitched! No! "Never have I ever kissed a beautiful angel..." With the small whisper, his eyes glittering with waves of adoration. His rough lip met mine. His huge hand cupped my cheek, tilting my head. A moan escaped from my throat as he was tasting my lips. I was clueless, it was something new. I had read in novels but when it was happening real it was making me completely numb.

I was dazed to react, enjoying what he wanted to offer. He wasn't rough, forcing, demanding rather slow, caring, sweet. He pulled him from me, my eyes were closed. I could sense his eyes on me but I was embarrassed and not in a state to face him. It was new to me! I needed time to process!

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