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I got inside my room. During the conversation with mom, my heart ached. I was getting attached to him; it was bad news. It was good for me to detach before I got dependent on him. But once glance at his broken state, I would forget all my determination. He had turned into my weakness, unknowingly!

As I set the alarm, which was of no use as it could never wake me up. Yet I was positive that it would accomplish its mission. As I touched my cell. I saw a message popping on the screen from an unknown number. I frowned. Who was it?

"Glancing at a message and not replying."

What the hell! Why it was yelling danger? Seemed like the stranger was insane? Maybe a stalker! I was going to ignore him. But what if someone was playing a prank on me?

I shook my head, maybe one of my cousins. It had happened once with me.

"Who are you?"

I responded not wanting to be a piece of joke next time when met in granny's place.

"Someone you love the most..."

That was his response. Who on the earth?

"If this is any prank stop it! I am not in a mood..."

What! Was I just chatting with a stranger? But surely, they were one of my cousins.

"Why is your mood off...?"

I was correct! A grin played on my lip. Who would it be? I frowned, it wasn't like he or she would accept they were playing a prank.

"Something happened..."

"What something?"

"None of your business..." Getting irritated with the prying as it was making me feel it was some stalker.

"Believe me... it's all the business I have..."

So creepy, surely it wasn't my cousin. They won't commit such a cheesy line towards me. There was silence from another side, I wasn't going to provide any response for it as well. Thinking to push it aside, I decided on completing my ongoing book. I walked towards my bookshelf, it was a small shelf. Made up of some wooden furniture, designed by dad. I had a few books on it. Some I owned while a few borrowed from the library. area. Carrying a book from the shelf, I continued with the reading. It could always shift my mood! 


My heart was aching heavily inside yet I had forced my legs to enter the school building. Samaira had voiced encouraging words but I was waiting for my death sentence to arrive. I was waiting for the professor to insult me in front of the entire class audience. It hadn't gone unnoticed the frequent glance I was offered by my classmates. It confused me at first but later as I heard some whispering happening around me, the reason was known.

Words spread fasted than wind. The news of me having a very good relationship with Viraj from Thomas had reached everyone's ears. Some were glancing at me with fury while others were amazed. I shook my head at times the small blabbering happening around me was helping me to distract from the professor wanting to punish me.

As the bell ranged, my heart clenched. The notion that there was no escape finally made peace with my mind. He entered, we raised from our seats to greet him. Attempting my level best to hide from the taller people surrounding me. Soon, he started with the lecture. I wasn't able to concentrate. Waiting for him to voice a word against me. Convincing my heart, he had forgotten but one glimpse at my face and he would remember his every word. But that moment never came! I anticipated he had glanced at me once or twice but he didn't seem to remember anything.

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