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I stood an inch away from Ehaan, eyes rooted on the floor. As his constant, intense, driving deep gazes weren't helping me to glance at him. Soon, I felt a pull on my waist and was dragged towards him. With such a swift moment, my eyes landed on Ehaan's chest, widening in surprise at his sudden move.

"Look up," his voice hoarse, frustration swiping from it. I slowly raised my head. His dark orbs were staring straight into mine. "Why was he staring at you?" An unexpected question was popped at me. I stared at him confused and with a swift moment, I was turned, facing the audience. My eyes widen in horror as I got a glimpse of the principal sitting in the front rows. Her eyes spying everyone's step. I diverted my gaze from her, not wanting to allow myself to feel nervous. Unfortunately, it landed on Rudr and it didn't help in any manner. His eyes were shooting daggers at us for an unknown reason. I stared at him, confused. Again I was repositioned.

I glared at Ehaan, it was annoying as he changed the step every time we danced together. It wasn't helping me to calm as the principal was observing us and he was making it impossible to dance elegantly. "Look into my eyes... dammit!" He cursed slowly as I was intentionally avoiding it. I was nervous to glance at it after yesterday incident. It seemed abnormal to me. The fear, the horror I was feeling on seeing Ehaan on the verge of... I darted my eyes away. I couldn't allow myself with it!

The events in the mall had unknowingly made me realise I was getting attached to Ehaan. It was frightening, I couldn't let it happen. He was dangerous for me, he could break my heart without even attempting. I couldn't allow him inside my personal, sacred space. My chin was roughly pushed and forced to glance straight at him.

"Why was he staring?" He repeated his question once again, slowly bending me to the other side, moving in a clockwise direction. Pulling me back to him a minute later.

"I don't know..." I muttered silently, eyes straight into him. His eyes were dark, glimpsing something beyond his reach. Slowly lifting me up. This was my favourite step. The way his arms had a tight grip on me, our eyes not leaving for a moment and him raising me above pecking on the forehead after each time I landed safely. His eyes glittered in delight, as a smile spread on my lip.

I was above him, my hands on his shoulder for support. Soon enough it reached his cheek, cupping it softly. A small grin played on his lips. I bent my head a little planting a small kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes as he moved me down. Landing me on the ground, something deep within me thrilled with my act. As well as thoughts crowding my senses. Why was I letting myself lose? He wasn't a good company for me, I knew it. Hadn't I hated bad boys whole my life?

He opened his eyes, those darkness faded away. A source of light glittering in it, his reddish lip raised upward in a smile. And soon we heard applause coming from a single soul present. I turned myself facing the principal, but Ehaan's hand on my waist didn't let me move much further away from him.

"Wonderful!" Exclaimed Mrs Veronica in joy. "I was quite stressed on knowing about Mia Ahluwalia injury," her eyes diverted to Rudr in assurance. "But I agreed with the replacement as you were so sure about the girl." Her eyes wandered back to Ehaan and then me. I pressed my palm in anxiousness. "And I am glad I listened to you, she came out like a hidden treasure our school was gifted with." Her broad smile, lowered some of my anxiety, pulling me to offer a smile in thanks. "Must say! Your choices can never be bad!" She complimented Ehaan, he had his crooked smile as she spoke. At least he could behave in front of the principal, maybe she gave no attention to it. During so many years had adapted to his nature.

"You guys can carry on! I will take the leave." With it, she left us with the remaining hours for practice. Throughout the dancing session Rudr ignored my presence, it was confusing yet I wasn't bothering myself to confront him. Due to it, my mood wasn't glad one and it was noticed by Samaira as she arrived. The news of Mrs Veronica praises reached her ears as well. I was amazed at the intense passion for gossiping our school possessed.

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