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I looked in the direction Ehaan soon helped me to stand on my legs. Shooting daggers at Anuj, "what do you mean?" warning him to open his mouth. Though Anuj was courageous at many incidents, especially when Ehaan sounded dangerous, he decided to shut his mouth.

"Nothing! The important pages," uttering those words he started collected pages shattered on the floor. I followed his actions as well. I had to rush into the classroom and complete my assignment on time. Collecting in a hurry, I bid bye to them and walked towards my classroom. Upon entering, the classroom was filled. Students were busy completing assignments, reading each other, asking for suggestions. I moved my gaze to our bench. It was empty! Hadn't Samaira arrived? Was she fine? But soon discovered her sitting with Ruksar, the scholar of our class.

I had forgotten about our last argument as I was engrossed with the assignment. Hadn't thought she would shift her place due to that disagreement. I shook my head, a ray of sadness engulfing my heart. Slowly making my place to a vacant bench. I shattered the pages on the desk, placing the bag beside. And concentrated on assembling the pages neatly, much to my surprise. I found more than seven pages written, I gave it a read. It was a continuation of my topic. How come? I keenly observed it, surely it wasn't my handwriting.

The incident took a few minutes back got in my head. Ehaan? Why would he? Why would someone trouble himself to complete work for me? I shook my head, surely someone had decided on the same topic and our notes had been exchanged. What was I supposed to do? Should I put it in the file? Won't it be cheating? Getting marks for half of the things I hadn't written? What if the professor finds the change in handwriting?

And bell ranged! Shit! No! I couldn't use my cell any longer. Our school didn't allow us to use cell during our school hours and if caught then was suspended from school for a week and I wasn't planning to take the risk. I rolled the cell in my pocket, still giving the notes in my hand a thought. As Professor entered the room after the second lecture. My all confusion faded, I wasn't planning to be humiliated before the class when I had the option to escape from it.

Placing those seven pages among the ones I completed, I handed it to the professor as my roll call was called out. Sighing in relief! The assignment was finally submitted but I was suspicious about those completed seven pages. I was sure, I hadn't written those! The handwriting was different as well. And Ehaan won't trouble himself to complete it for me. Surely, he acted kind the previous day but he hadn't shifted from cruel bad boy to cute good boy within a day. It had something more to it!

I was glancing at the wristwatch as the last lecture before the break wasn't finishing. Due to the hurry to complete the assignment, I hadn't even eaten a good amount of breakfast. My stomach was groaning in hunger and the bell wasn't planning to ring any sooner. Throughout the morning Samaira hadn't for once glance at me. It sadden me, I considered her my friend. I wanted her to sort things with Varun as I knew it was hurting her as well. I couldn't understand her fury towards me.

After waiting for more than fifteen seconds finally, the bell ranged. I sat glimpsing at Samaira from the corner of my eyes. We were so used to each other during the ten years of our friendship. It seemed strange, she sitting far off from me. It wasn't like our friendship never had bad days but we never had such an argument that we stopped talking with each other.

She raised from her seat moving towards my direction, I was getting nervous for the upcoming conversation. I wasn't desiring for further disagreement! I had no intention of making new friends, I was happy and content with my old one. I raised my eyes, pressing a smile.

"I behaved so stupidly yesterday." She confessed, I stood from my seat. I smiled and giggled at her comment.

"Surely, I as well! Only if I had explained it calmly." I offered her a guilty look.

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