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"Hey..." He paused, gasping for breath, as he was playing a minute back. A smile spreading on his sweaty face, Samaira would have been blushing if it wasn't for the event that happened the previous day. His eyes were keenly on Samaira as he waited for her to speak. "Ugh! I hadn't thought after our last encounter, you would like to talk." He hesitated for some unknown reason. He seemed so unusual of him, the way he behaved.

I had witnessed it many times, in corridors or on any other occasion. He barely noticed her presence. That was the reason I concluded he was least interested in her. And as observing personality I am, I could sense his uneasiness. He seemed nervous, scared even, but for what?

"Hey... there..." We heard another voice behind him. Soon, the person wrapped his hand around Varun's shoulder. Giving us a small smile. "Aren't you going to introduce your friend to me?" He asked, somehow moving the conversation further. Maybe he too could notice the tense surrounding three of us. Even if I wished I could never ease the conversation as if I uttered a word it would turn more awkward, so I planned to remain silent.

"Hi! I am Anuj... Anuj Saxena." His smile broadens, a dimple packing a face in his darker complexation. He seemed much darker than Aarav but I would describe it as an average Indian shade. His friends were too attractive and it wasn't his fault. As like rest sweat was dripping from his forehead, and those black air fanning on it. His hushed voice due to a match before a minute was making his voice richer but it wasn't sounding as deep as Ehaan's normal voice. His vibes radiated friendly nature but I couldn't judge within few minutes of the meeting.

"Hmm... She is Samy, I mean Samaira... my neighbour from years and friend as well." His eyes had a certain glitter as I saw it, maybe I was wrong about the person before. "And she is her friend..." Varun pointed towards me and was going to continue but was interrupted by Samaira.

"My best friend, Ruhi." Samaira completed it for him.

"Ruhi..." He repeated my name, a sense of uneasiness passing down Anuj's very much compost feature.

"Ruhi?" I heard another source repeating my name but instead of uneasiness, he had a sense of amusement. I looked in the direction, he was Rudr busy having a conversation with his friends but no longer as his whole concentration was on me. "What was it again?" He inquired, his voice seemed serious as if he was confused for real but his hazel blue eyes contained mischief. "Ruhi, ah...?" Rather than looking at me, his whole concentration was opposite to me. I moved my eyes in that direction.

Stood there was Ehaan, his eyes closed. Drinking from the bottle, his hands tightened on it. Not for his slightly clenched jaw, none could point that he was furious. But why? Does Rudr mere talk, could piss him off? Why was there such a rivalry among school buddies? His earlier friend was beside him, the flirty guy. Looking at him with a sense of worry.

"Enough, bro..." I heard Mia jumping in the conversation, her eyes fixed on Ehaan. Slowly moving on me, she took step towards us. What was even happening? "Why are you here? What do you even want?" Exploding her brother's anger on a stranger was bad. I wasn't even knowing what was happening among them. "Just walk out!" She shouted, I stood there, shock. Man! Have she lost it?!

"Stop making the situation worse, Mia!" Came an annoying voice of Varun, for a change he took a stand.

"It's not me who is worsening the situation. Why she is even here? Who even is she?" Her eyes roaming on my clothes, and again she made me feel disgusted with myself. I was wearing the same uniform as hers only it wasn't as short as her, hadn't coloured my hair like her and not even bothered to have a proper haircut. Why did it bother her, if it never did to me? I wasn't wasting my time on the parlour, but it was my choice who was she to humiliate me for it?

"A student of this school same as you, having the same right as you in this school. Senior should make junior comfortable in this place not scare them out." Samaira spoke shooting daggers at the girl before us, grabbing my hand in hers. "And Varun I was here to inform you, we no longer are participating in the dance competitions. The only person I am accountable over here," Varun was shocked would be an understatement. He was attempting to open his mouth to provide a justification. "Sorry, for backing up from my words but I can't let my friend be humiliated twice in a row just due to me." Saying so she turned followed by me. I was holding myself not to burst into tears, it never helped been an over-sensitive person, I was.

We climbed the stairs, with silence prevailing between us. "Samy... I want to go to the washroom." I needed to bring some tears out before I could prepare for an upcoming class. It was bothering me the stare I was receiving as we walk around the corridors, was I visualizing it? or they had seen the entire encounter. I was feeling so humiliated, had they heard her words? They would consider me so coward that I couldn't argue back. I let her burst on me without any reason. But I couldn't fight back because I knew if I did, I would burst into tears before them, showcasing how weak a person I am.

As soon as we reached the washroom, I rushed to one of the cabins. Crying my heart out as near basin many people were giggling and having their stupid talks. Samaira provided me with time not to disturb me, after having enough and realizing I was on the verge of having a headache, I walked out. The giggles had disappeared maybe those girls had walked out.

I came face to face with my guilty friend, who was staring at me with concern. I forced myself to offer her a smile but it was turning very much impossible. Making my way towards the basin where she stood, and washing my face with water as if it could wash every trance that I was crying. Why I was letting myself be affected by those words of mere strangers? Who were they? They knew nothing about me, they could never judge me. But I felt so inferior around her gaze, the same way Ehaan made me feel. It made me little around them. I won't ever be going to be around them. I promised myself!

"I am so sorry, it's all due to me. Neither I had taken you to the ground nor you had to face those cruel human beings." She paused regretting her decision, I had no mood to deny her words. To help her not to feel guilty, I was so engrossed in my own feelings. "You were correct, they and us can never match. They would be that cruel bad boy's they always were." She choked at the end, I knew it hurt her to voice it out. She felt betrayed by her own feelings. I pulled her in a hug and a small sob escaped from her throat.

"We are both enough for each other... they are going to be jealous of our friendship..." She whispered making me giggle along with her.

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