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He had dragged me towards the closest seats from the ground. The net separated us from the ground and we had a better look at the player practising in the stadium. As I glanced at Anuj and Varun in the stadium, busy with their warm-up session. I scanned the stadium for Samaira. She might be sitting alone in some corner. I pouted. It was all due to the arrogant monster sitting next to me.

I glanced at him. He hadn't voiced out a word after pulling from the hug. His stern orbs rooted on the stadium before us, though I could depict he wasn't concentrating on it at all. His knuckles pressed one another, controlling his fuming anger. I shook my head, diverting my gaze. I wasn't going to apologise to him for my foolishness. He was the one who triggered me for it. And it wasn't like I was a small kid and could disappear in the crowd.

I found a familiar orb from a group of strangers. He had walked towards the net on glancing at me, the same mischief radiating from those black orbs as I had witnessed on our first meet. Viraj's eyes darting from me to Ehaan, I could listen to the growl from Mr arrogant but I was least bothered. Passing a smile at his rival, further pissing him off.

"Hey, Ru!" He grinned, smirk playing on his lip. The audience around us had doubled their cheers and had accumulated around him. Unknowingly letting me know, he had numerous fans as well. He didn't overlook their presence, smiling at them genuinely. Letting them have his pictures.

"Hey, I want to talk to one of my friends." He told them politely. They grumbled but let him have his moment, shutting their cameras. "So, how is it going?" He asked concentrating on me. "After our last meet, I doubted if we could ever meet again." He chuckled, darting his gaze to Ehaan at frequent intervals. I glanced in his direction, he had clenched his first, pressing his lip tight. He was on the verge to burst. No! It wasn't a moment to fool around.

I pleaded Viraj with my eyes but he wasn't in a mood to listen. "Seems, like you're here to cheer for me. As your other friend isn't in a mood to play," he winked at me walking into the centre of the playground.

"Aww..." The audience cooed, I shut my eyes in embarrassment. What the hell was even happening? People were getting wrong messages!.

"She is so fortunate... Viraj specially came to talk with her."

"Don't forget Ehaan is sitting beside her."

"Are they friends?"

"Hadn't they participated in the competition?"

"We even heard rumours of them being together."


"Yes, they were found hugging each other."

"But, seems like something is going between Viraj and her. As Ehaan is already committed to Mia."

The round of whisper had started, arriving at different reasoning as if we were some celebrity. Though people associated with me had the popular life. I wanted to run into my room, hiding from the world around me. I never wanted my personal life to be a source of entertainment for anyone.

Suddenly the murmur stopped, I raised my head to find Ehaan glaring at the people surrounding us. Their eyes were wide, some shivering in fear while others were covered with blush. Maybe it was the first time I had ever seen him, sparing any attention to people around us. He never seemed a guy to be bothered with people opinions about him. Not even he cared about the highest authority. It was only when I started associating with them that I noticed rumours about his life often spread in the corridor of our school. He was an interesting topic for all!

His eyes were straight on the players as the announcement was taking place. Maybe the game was starting, I looked away. Glancing at the players as well. Something cold touched my soft skin, I looked in the direction. His large, rough, cold hands grabbed my wrist in his. A smile played on my lip. The rumours never mattered to him but he knew it would affect me.

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