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I had walked into the staff room, my heart beating loudly. The scenario that had happened in the same room, flashing in my mind. I knew I hadn't performed well in my previous tests. Taking a shivering step, I entered inside. Mrs Gupta was engrossed in pages scattered around her busy table. She glanced at me from her thick glasses, passing a smile. A feature that I adored about her, she treated us like her children. Scolding and disciplining us but at the same time making us comfortable around her.

"Ruhi... it's been a long we had any conversation," she glanced around. And on finding the staff room half vacant she continued. "You are well aware of your ongoing test results." I lowered my head feeling embarrassed. "I know, you're putting in the effort but somewhere it isn't able to make you achieve the goal." I kept my eyes trained on the carpet below, forcing the emerging tears to halt. I was fed up with my failure. Even trying so hard it wasn't possible to achieve the goal. "There is some distraction, your mind can't concentrate on your studies. I feel you need some break, engrossing in studies for more hours doesn't make you better in studies. You need some distraction." She commented, causing me to stare at her in horror.

I had never heard such a piece of advice coming from the teacher. "You had taken lots of loads, you need to breathe. This much pressure or expectation will only destroy you." She paused staring at me for a few seconds. "I know, you close ones' cares for you. Your mother requested me not to be hard on you and even your friend Ehaan went to such an extreme to blackmail professor not to object you from answering boards." My eyes widen in horror but she seemed not affected by it much. "I understand they care but you will also have to understand we teachers aren't your enemy. These results are only going to affect your career in the long run. Those marks are going to stay with you in any field you chose on your path. I agree we can be scary at times even act harshly but it's for your own good." She pressed a smile, though she acted that she was fine with it but I could sense her displeasure.

I nodded, "I am sorry, miss..." genuinely feeling bad for the professor.

I rushed out of the staff room not having the strength to face any teachers. I wasn't sure how many he had threatened? Tears that I had kept hidden slowly rolled down. Not wanting to seem a weak individual due to my crying session, I got in the washroom on that floor. The floor of a senior! I pushed myself inside one of the cabins, it wasn't like I was invisible as before. The rumours spreading a few days back had brought me unusual limelight. Often people offered me looks that yelled, revulsion.

"Have you heard?" I heard some whispers as I was crying forcing my palm into my mouth to conceal any sob escaping from my mouth.

"What?" The other, enthusiastic spirit asked.

"That... girl what's her name, that junior..."


"Yes! Fuck, Ehaan threatened a professor, I couldn't listen to his name. But he fucking threatened him not to trouble her."

"What! He is so into her! I had never heard him doing such stunts."

"Damn! She is so lucky she has someone who can hide her all mischief."

"But she doesn't deserve him! She broke his heart, have you seen him? He seems so shattered, he hardly mocks anyone. He fucking takes all the shit offered by Rudr. Even he was expelled from the football team. He is losing it! All due to her." The fury radiating towards me.

"Mia was better for him. At least she loved him so much, she could go to any extreme for him. This girl Ruhi spoiled everything! Fucking she is a bitch, man!"

My heart was pondering so heavily in my chest. The ache in my head was back, the hammering increasing in pace. Man! The migraine was beginning and I was losing it! I grabbed the knob of the door, walking out. The two girls, that seemed senior were horror-stricken on finding me inside. I least cared about them, walking away from everything that could remind me of him. I was turning out a vamp in Ehaan's and Mia's love story.

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