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"Aarav!" Yelled Zara as we reached towards him.

"Where the hell were you?" Though Anuj was trying to pull Aarav from Kunal yet he expressed his fury as we reached there. For a minute, the entire audience glanced at me before concentrating back on the fight. Anuj offered me with 'I will deal with you later' look continued with his work.

"Why do they keep on fighting?" Came an annoyed, familiar voice from behind me.

"What happened this time?" I inquired to Samaira. She shrugged her shoulder. "You were busy with your own battle." I rolled my eyes. She overlooked my remark.

"Enough! Aarav," Ehaan got into the centre, pulling him away with one move. Seemed like Aarav would listen to Ehaan. "It wasn't needed," he seemed displeased with his friend. He never showcased his emotions so openly. Something was upsetting him about the scenario.

"He was the one that started! Why he had to..."

"He was trying to trigger you and you let him succeed." He shook his head in disappointment. Aarav stood without answering for a second, his eyes moving on each individual surrounding him. He closed his eyes, cursing under his breath. Opening to glare at Kunal, a smirk was playing on the latter face. Indicating Ehaan's interpretation wasn't wrong.

I narrowed my eyes at the guy. This was so frustrating provoking each other.

"I don't give a damn!" With fury powering him, he grabbed Kunal's collar again.

"But I do!" Yelled Zara at him. "After a few days we need to attend exams and suspension isn't a thing you desire to be gifted." She lowered her voice, staring at him with a pleading look. "Leave it Aarav, for us. For your friend," she was requesting him. Aarav ignored her plead for a minute but one glance at her and he loosen his grip from him.

"Fuck off! You bastard," his orbs had turned red as if coal was burning in fire and emitting fury out of it. "You might have accomplished in degrading me in the eyes of stranger, might even succeed in humiliating me in front of my parents." He dried a laugh, a pride dancing in his orbs. "Never could you break the bond I share with my friend. They are my pride, my possession." On listening to his words, the rest of his gang had a smirk playing on their lips. They were each other's pride, the safest zone for one another.

The remaining event went smoothly, no more argument. Both the rival gang was ignoring each other and Ehaan was overlooking Mia's presence as well. She had attempted twice in a row to have a conversation with him. They kinda had a tom and jerry relationship with one another.

"Hello!" Announced Anuj, standing on the platform. The smile was wide, dimple popping from his face. "So here the events began. Now all the girls grab the roses placed over there." He pointed at the corner in the hall where a few vases were placed. "And hand it to the person you wish to be selected as the head of the council." As the audience started moving in the direction, he halted them. "Wait! The command hadn't finished. Here is a twist for the year!" His orbs danced in excitement. "Two people would be chosen by the council community of last year." He showcased the sheet in his hand. "You will have to choose among them. The highest rose gained would be the head." He winked at us. I bite my lips in nervousness.

Damn! I had been planning to hand Anuj the rose, what if his name wasn't mentioned? "The names are..." he opened the sheet. "Ehaan," I shook my head. "And Rudr!" The cheers echoed among the audience, grabbing their attention. The two most popular rivals were competing against one another. The audience was excited to know the result, who would defeat whom? I was nervous, wasn't hoping for the result to end up in battle.

"What are we waiting for?" He encouraged the audience, "start it!" And soon girls started moving from every direction. While few boys were grumbling among themselves that they weren't offered the opportunity.

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