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As we reached near the Ehaan's jeep, we caught a glimpse of Rudr standing opposite accompanied by many of his friends. "Where were you all?" He asked, looking at me.

"In cafeteria..." He made a disappointed face.

"Rudr left only that session in your search," Kunal muttered from beside him.

"What do you mean?" inquired, curious Samaira.

"Actually..." Kunal was going to blurt it out, but Rudr elbowed him, shutting him in the way.

"Nothing important!" He dared Kunal to open his mouth. A smile spread across my face as I observed nervousness in those hazel blue orbs. He seemed adorable when his arrogant figure was masked into nervousness. He stroked his hair, smiling at me sheepishly on finding me staring at him with a smile.

"I still don't like shipping you both." Muttered Anuj in my ears, I glared at him.

"He had to spoil the moment." Muttered Samaira who was on another side of me.

Rudr was staring from Samaira to Anuj, unknown why they were offering each other those wonderful glares. Soon heard loud strikes of someone walking towards us. I glanced at the source, his stern cold eyes darting from Rudr to me. His thick brows raised in question yet his face expressionless.

"We are ready to go?" Inquired Anuj, though Ehaan's eyes were fixed on me.

"Mia isn't accompanying us?" Aarav asked, catching Rudr attention.

"Mia?" His expression was loud. "She won't ever change..." he sounded disappointed. His earlier glow went missing with a hint of displeasure. I stared at him confused, what was happening among them? And why I was so interested in them? Maybe a feeling that I could help or sort things between them was showering me.

"No..." Ehaan groaned.

"Let's move..." Anuj grabbed my wrist pulling towards Ehaan's jeep and soon Rudr walked towards his followed by his friend.

"What is it with Mia?" I questioned Anuj in a hope that he would at least bring some words out. "And why do Rudr and Ehaan hate each other?" Looking at the tension between the two. As they both got into the jeep, though they were overlooking each other yet the hostility between the two wasn't hidden.

"Hmm... it's complicated." He voiced out, looking at Samaira staring at us in suspiciousness. Due to the jeep starting and music blasting on the speaker she wasn't able to listen to our conversation. "Rudr and Ehaan never got along, one reason could be overprotective brother Rudr is." He shook his head, "Mia had shown interest towards Ehaan from the very beginning." I gave a nod, the interest had shaped into everlasting love. I smiled at the thought.

But frowned a minute later, "why is Ehaan so mad at her?" I inquired further, she was so heartbroken.

"Ehaan isn't a person to pacify people." He chuckled at his words. "Mia had some disputes with Rudr. They often had Ehaan a reason behind their disagreement and one more member is added." I looked at him surprised, prompting him to continue. "What don't act so innocent?" His eyes danced in amusement. "It hadn't gone unnoticed by you, the frequent support you are offered by him. And huge disliking of Mia towards you," I lowered my head. I was becoming a reason between a sibling fight. It made me guilty I never wanted to be a reason behind someone dispute. I loved to spread happiness, harmony not arguments, rage.

"So maybe on knowing Mia helping Ehaan to humiliate you even deciding to cut you off from the competition didn't go well with him." He paused as if trailed in his thoughts. I kept silent as well anticipating he wasn't going to continue. "Those arguments surely had a troll over Mia. Though Mia is interested in Ehaan, her brother owns a special place in her heart. I don't like her but couldn't deny that both hold a very special place in her heart. She can't lose either of them. At moments when either of them seems to part away, she confronts the person ignoring the other one." He continued and some flashes got into my mind.

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