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I was rushing down the stairs. Where had Rudr disappeared? Had I taken enough time to process that he changed his mind? No! I couldn't let the opportunity slip from my hand due to my foolishness. My eyes surveyed each human present in the corridor. Where could I find him?

"Ruhi!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned in enthusiasm to find Rudr. But to my misfortune, it was Anuj. It stunned me. He hadn't initiated any conversation after the night on friendship day. It wasn't an unknown fact that he was mad at me. For what? Questioning him? Though his action was shattering me down yet I attempted to seem least bothered with it. I wasn't going to showcase that his behaviour had hurt me.

His face stern, those dimples had disappeared from the view. He seemed as aloof as his friend. Those black orbs were only redeeming features, as they depicted some emotions. Concerned! But for whom?

"Where are you?" The concern lacing from his tone hadn't gotten unnoticed by either of us. "Samaira was going bad over..." Came his excuse, yet I couldn't help but smile at him. Whom was he kidding? Maybe he was an expert in concealing his inner emotions, but I too was gifted at reading people. Anuj never cared about Samaira, and his rush towards me wasn't due to her worry's.

"I was in the library..." But before I could complete my sentence. I glimpsed at his darkening eyes towards the person standing behind me. I frowned getting confused and turned to glance at the person. Kunal was standing a few distances away from us, a favourable one to overhear our conversation. His hands folded around his chest, as his spying eyes fixed on Anuj.

"Rudr asked me to inform you, that he is waiting in the parking lot." He informed, moving his gaze from Anuj for a micro-second.

"Why?" Before I could answer, Anuj jumped between.

"It's none of your business..." Kunal countered back.

Anuj was going to step forward and before a battle could initiate I jumped for peace. "I can't bunk school..." Obviously! I had never done it. What if my parents found me around the city? With a guy, no! That wasn't happening.

Kunal was showering daggers at me. I wasn't giving in. "I don't get it, why does he still trust you." He rolled his eyes, "go and talk to him yourself." He uttered with pure displeasure. He had never acted towards me in such a manner. What was wrong with him? Ignoring I slowly descended downstairs though I could feel the intense gaze of Anuj digging a hole on my back. Surely, he was handling himself from punching either of us. He never trusted Rudr with me and he won't ever. But I couldn't blame myself, he opted not to share the truth with me. If someone was initiating it, why shouldn't I listen?

Convincing my heart, I made my way out of the building towards the parking lot. The fear of getting caught wasn't leaving my heart. This everything was so new to me. My life had revolved around studies and home. Never I had worried beyond my lessening marks. But my one decision of participating in a dance competition had changed my entire universe.

I huffed in frustration, only if I hadn't come in Samaira's talk. Soon, I got a sight of Rudr standing at the corner beside his jeep. Prepared to bunk the school. How easily they could pull such stunts up? Slowly I made my way towards him, glancing at our surrounding constantly. Assuming there weren't any chances of getting caught.

"Finally," Rudr murmured as he found me standing in front of him. "So, let's carry on with..." He was going to continue but I halt him in between.

"I can't come," I denied on finding him indicating me to get into his jeep. He looked at me confused, raising his brow for further clarification. "I can't bunk the class." I offered him my reason. He frowned listening to it, his eyes mocking my response. I felt humiliated, lowering my head.

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